ISSN : 1738-3188
The objective of this thesis is to analyze the connections between nouns describing female and pop songs with the subject of love and breakups during the Japanese colonial period in Korea as well as its consequences. The analysis showed that the pop songs themed with traditional subjects mainly used the term ‘agassi or miss’, and ‘virgin’ to describe the passive image of female while the term ‘bride (or wife)’ and women were used to describe the sorrow by integrating the word ‘ocean’. The songs with the subject of Korean geisha or gisaeng described those geishas’ strong will of lamentation and integrity while the songs with the subject of modern girl used the term ‘miss’ to describe the sarcasm. Facing the Japanese colonial period in late 1930, the number of songs describing the subject of northern part of Korea rose. Those songs used the term ‘agassi, or miss’ to describe the women from northern region as pretty and mysterious existence as well as to romanticize the Japanese colonization. In the songs, authority-creator-audience’s desire to ease the domination, survival and prosperity and excitement and healing were mixed intricately which, in the end, was crystallized into the norm of ‘the supremacy of love’ and ‘the image of female seeking pure love.
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