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  • 한국과학기술정보연구원(KISTI) 서울분원 대회의실(별관 3층)
  • 2024년 07월 03일(수) 13:30


Investigating Utility, Attitude, Intention, and Satisfaction of Skill-Sharing Economy

Investigating Utility, Attitude, Intention, and Satisfaction of Skill-Sharing Economy

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business(JIDB) / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2019, v.10 no.1, pp.39-49
La, Soo-Jung (KDI School of Public Policy and Management)
Cho, Yooncheong (KDI School of Public Policy and Management)
  • 다운로드 수
  • 조회수


Purpose - Previous studies examined effects of sharing economy in the fields such as accommodation and automobile sector, while there are lack of researches in the field of skill-sharing economy. By classifying skill-sharing into general and special skill-sharing, this study explored effects of variables such as transaction utility, social utility, sustainability utility, emotional utility, economic utility, and trust utility, on attitudes, intention, satisfaction, and loyalty of demand (i.e., customers) and supply (i.e., providers) sides, potential, and actual customers. Research design, data, and methodology - Data were collected via both online and offline surveys. This study applied factor analysis and multiple regression analysis for findings. Results - Results show that utilities for general suppliers' skill-sharing are significant than other cases. Among utilities, this study found that trust utility shows significant for the cases of special customers', general suppliers' and special suppliers' potential skill-sharing. The results implies that trust is crucial in the transaction of the sharing economy. Conclusions - Enhanced managerial systems help resolve issues on the sharing economy. This study provides implications what are positive effects of skill-sharing economy and recommends proper establishment of the sharing economy.

Skill-sharing Economy, Utility Factors, Attitude, Intention to Use, Satisfaction



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business(JIDB)