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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

Coorientation between Service Provider and Users about Providing Service Quality by the Child Welfare Agency

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2019, v.10 no.5, pp.67-76
UM, Kyung-Ho
PARK, Young-Kyu


Purpose - The Korean child welfare services may have different feelings between providers and users. Few studies on the child welfare service quality have been conducted and research on the coorientation model of child welfare services are nonexistent. We compared the perceptions of Korean child welfare service providers and users in this study. It will have many applications in the service quality fields by applying a coorientation model. Research design, data, and methodology - In order to enhance user satisfaction with child welfare services, around 200 samples were carried out both in Busan and Kyungsangnamdo randomly. Seven point Likert scale was used in the questionnaire. Two measurements were made to evaluate the different positions on the part of child welfare service providers and users to assess their mutual orientation. Paired t-test verification was conducted for congruency analysis, and the verification of agreement and accuracy was analyzed by independent t-tests. Results - We empirically examined the differences between the providers and the users stance. The results are as follows. We have verified the statistical significance of the difference in perception between providers and users. We also confirmed a degree of agreement, a degree of congruency, a degree of accuracy and a degree of meta agreement in the study. In the Korean child welfare service quality, the coorientation model of process quality appeared in the form of semi-dissensus, the coorientation model of results quality were shown in the form of ignorances and the coorientation model of physical environment quality were investigated in the form of semi-dissensus. Conclusion - The study concluded that users need to understand more about the providers in order to enhance the coorientation model in process quality and physical environmental quality, and the providers need to persuade the users clearly about the positive factors. To enhance the coorientation model of the result quality, it can be misunderstood by guessing that the other party will positively evaluate it. Therefore, users believe that they need to talk more clearly to the provider about the results of the korean child welfare service quality to reduce misunderstandings and to understand each other about the resulting quality.

Child Welfare, Coorientation, Child Welfare Service Quality



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business