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The Impact of Workplace Democracy on Social Capital: The Moderating Effect of Servant Leadership

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2019, v.10 no.7, pp.59-69
LI, Yiran
SONG, Kwancheol
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Purpose - Unlike in the past, individualistic thought is more dominant than groupism where members prioritize organizations. Such changes run counter to the direction of the survival of the companies, which calls for companies to explore strategies to address thems. As one of the solutions, many people highlights social capital. However, since most studies have been conducted on the definition and characteristics of social capital, there is not enough prior factor research on the formation of social capital. So the current situation require researches on the formation of social capital. Research design, data, and methodology - To achieve the purpose, the literature and the empirical studies were combined. Deriving workplace democracy and servant leadership as factors affecting the formation of social capital through the literature, and this factors have modeled assumptions about the impact on social capital, and have established hypotheses to verify them. The survey which is conducted to verify the hypothesis and questionnaires are derived base on the variables used in the previous studies. The survey was conducted 447 respondents in Korea. Results - As a result, we found that the workplace democracy is positively functioning with the formation of social capital. It means that the democracy functions as a universal element to enhance the quality of social capital at the workplace. The evidence also shows that the positive impacts of the servant leadership on the formation of social capital. And the survey shows that groups with high level servant leadership had a higher impact on the formation of social capital than those with low levels leadership. Conclusions - At present, the social capital has become an important factor for the companies pursuing high performance workplaces. We found that the workplace democracy and the servant leadership affect the formation of social capital. It means that to increase the employees' sense of community and solidarity, it is need to form democratic environment with the servant leadership. Therefore, based on the results of this study, the workplace democracy and the servant leadership can present strategic implications that can increase the social capital.

Social Capital, Workplace Democracy, Servant Leadership



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business