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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

A Study on Technology Acceptance of Elderly living Alone in Smart City Environment: Based on AI Speaker

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2020, v.11 no.2, pp.41-48
YOO, Hyun-Sil
SUH, Eung-Kyo
KIM, Tae-Hyung


Purpose: This study is to examine the intention of the elderly who live alone in the customized AI speaker for the elderly living alone to improve the quality of life service for the elderly living alone in the smart city environment. Based on the quality of life model of the elderly, this study is applied to the technology acceptance model to investigate the relationship between perceived usefulness and ease of use on the sustained use intention. Research design, data and methodology: Residents in Suwon, Gyeonggi-do, selected as candidate local governments for the Smart City Challenge Project of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport in June 2019 to measure the perceived technology acceptance of potential users for the AI technology for the elderly living alone as part of the smart city technology. In order to evaluate the intention of using AI speaker, which is the target system of this study, a video of a chatbot using experience of elderly people living alone was produced. Results: First of all, in order for the elderly living alone to have an attitude to use AI-based speakers, there should be a perceived usefulness of the quality of life of the elderly. However, ease of use did not show any significant causal relationship to attitude toward use. In addition, the attitude toward use weakly influenced the intention to use. In other words, elderly people living alone were not likely to have a significant effect on their attitude toward use. However, feeling that AI speakers are easy to use will help to improve the quality of life, which in turn led to the attitude toward using AI speakers, which could lead to indirect effects. Finally, the perceived usefulness of quality of life was found to have a weak effect on direct use intentions. Conclusions: This study conducted a study on the technology acceptance of service environment to improve the quality of life for the specific user group who live alone in the smart seat environment. In this study, we examined the effects of AI speaker on the elderly living alone to improve the quality of life for the elderly living alone.

Smartcity, AI Speaker, GQOL, Elderly living alone, Technology acceptance model



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business