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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

A Study on the Opt-in Marketing

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2020, v.11 no.2, pp.49-59
OH, Won-Kyo
LEE, Won-Jun


Purpose: Online and social media and mobile shopping are increasing and companies are required to provide personal information in order to supplement the non-invasive characteristics of the channels. With the increased provision of personal information, consumers' personal and social concerns about the prevention of personal information infringement are also increasing, and in response, personal or opt-in marketing has emerged to compensate for reckless information abuse. Despite the background of this emergence, the existing prior studies are limited to ignoring the negative feelings of consumers in the real world, including only the net function and positive effect of the opt-in mail. Research design, data and methodology: The research framework was intended to utilize the impact of human marketing activities on consumer attitudes combined with positive and negative factors. Factors that positively affect attitudes toward permation marketing were presented, such as informality, and perceived risks were presented as negative impact factors. Also, based on previous prior research, the prior factors of opt-in marketing were to present the effect on purchase intent through the medium of attitude toward opt-in marketing. Results: In this study, we used the framework of a two factor theory to address positive and negative factors as a leading factor in the customer attitude toward opt-in mail advertising, and as a result, functionality and personalization have a positive effect on customer attitude and perceived risk have a negative impact on customer attitude. In addition, it was confirmed that the customer attitude formed this way affects the intention to purchase again. Conclusions: This study suggests that we have demonstrated that marketing, an opt-in marketing that has been recognized as part of marketing that is deployed after obtaining customer consent, has been applied without any other marketing methodology. E-mail advertising at this point also provides practical implications that the system safeguards are in place under an opt-in protocol or system, and that even if an e-mail advertisement is carried out, customers will need to look at the level of awareness about the risks, and suggests that they need to consider the customer's journey that could lead to purchase at the content level.

Opt-in, Marketing, Customer Satisfaction, Perceived Danger, Permission Marketing



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business