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A Study on Effects of Repurchase Intention of Consumer Innovativeness and Website Characteristics: Focused on Consumer of Overseas Direct Purchase

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2021, v.12 no.2, pp.29-40
LEE, Hye-Jeong
LEE, Jong-Ho
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Purpose: In this study, with the transaction amount of foreign direct Purchase and foreign direct sales increasing, South Korea is in a situation where foreign direct sales are focused on China. We looked at the impact of consumer innovation and site characteristics on repurchase ability among the characteristics of overseas direct purchase consumers as a way to make direct overseas sales to various overseas countries. Research design, data and methodology: Consumer innovativeness consists of four variables: functional, hedonistic, social, and cognitive, and the site characteristics consisted of four variables: product price, product assortment, convenience, and service. The study was conducted on consumers with foreign direct purchase experience, and was finally used in 252 additional analyses. Results: The main findings of this study were first, that the impact on the degree of re-purchase among consumer innovativeness of foreign direct purchase consumers had a significant impact in the order of cognitive innovativeness, hedonistic innovativeness, and functional innovativeness. Social innovativeness did not affect the degree of re-purchase. Second, site characteristics have been found to have a significant impact on the degree of re-purchase in order of product assortment, commodity price, and service. Convenience did not affect the degree of re-purchase. Conclusions Taken together these results can be called the biggest characteristic of the cognitive innovativeness of the consumer's inclination to use the overseas direct purchase, the price or quick response of the goods sold on the site is a factor that affects the re-purchase, above all it is important to have a variety of products. We will present this element as a way to make direct sales abroad to various countries. In addition, foreign direct purchase is a lot of transactions in China, the United States, EU, but the share of China is high in foreign direct sales, and the U.S. and EU have a very low performance, it is important to consider the reasons why they prefer Korean products in China to study the social and cultural characteristics of U.S. and European consumers in the future, and to support and active marketing that companies and sellers can increase sales.

Overseas Direct Purchase, Repurchase Intention, Consumer Innovativeness, Site Characteristics



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business