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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

A Study on Factors Affecting Chatbot Service Using Intention: Applying Value-based Adoption Model

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2022, v.13 no.8, pp.29-50
LEE, Sang Jung
PARK, Sang Beom


Purpose - This study aims to investigate factors affecting Chatbot service acceptance attitude. For wide use of Chatbot service, firms need to find barriers or obstacles for customers, if any, not to use Chatbot service. Research design, data, and methodology - We apply value-based accept model to investigate the quality of Chatbot, to verify the meaning of service value of Chatbot and to find the relationship among variables. To test hypotheses, we conducted survey. We collected 300 questionnaires. SPSS version 2.0 is used. Regression analysis, moderating effect test is conducted. Results - 4 Qualities of Chatbot, Ease of use, Usefulness, Enjoyment, Interaction are affecting acceptance attitude, and 5 service values, only interaction does not affect emotion. Trust, Specialty, Necessity, Social, Emotion moderating Chatbot service to accepting attitude. Regarding moderating effects by personal characteristics and personal tendency, innovation resistance, innovativeness, and social effects are turned to have influence while regulatory focus, construal level does not have moderating force. Also, the auxiliary service like Chatbot service affects customers' evaluation on the main service quality. Conclusions - Service firms adopt Chatbot service for various purposes. The results imply that customers are generally recognize the merits of Chatbot, but there are some barriers such as innovation resistance characteristic especially uncomfortable.

Chatbot service, Value-based Model, Sevice value, Modeating effect, Social effect



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business