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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

The Importance of CEO's Sustainable Leadership to Distribute Environmental Education Culture in the Organization

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2022, v.13 no.8, pp.19-27
WOO, Hyein


Purpose: CEOs develop policies through their effective decision-making while employees implement the policies so that a business realizes the expected returns. This research focuses on the importance of the CEO's sustainable leadership to distribute environmental education culture to improve employees' environmental performance. Research design, data and methodology: The PRISMA that is selected by the present research is an evidence-based minimum group of entities for reporting in systematic reviews and meta-analyses. The core focus of the concept is to note studies that evaluate the impacts of intervention and can also be utilized as a basis for writing systematic reviews rather than intervention evaluations. Results: The current investigation indicates that there are four kinds of suggestions (a. Increased organizational learning, b. Open communication, c. Participative decision making, d. Psychological empowerment) how the management should develop sustainable leadership for distributing green culture and improving employee green performance. Conclusions: Based on four solutions, the present research concludes that sustainable leadership for CEOs is not only of advantage in terms of protecting the environment and the people, but it fosters increased organizational learning. Increased organizational learning leads to better employee sustainable performance, which includes financial performance and the social and environmental initiatives the organization implements.

Sustainable Leadership, Environmental Performance, Green Entrepreneurial Orientation, Green Culture



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business