E-ISSN : 2233-5382
Purpose: Before spending critical resources in possibly failing e-commerce implementation projects, corporate practitioners must identify e-commerce applications that have competitive and strategic value for the organization. This suggests that the firm should understand what it aims to achieve with e-commerce, including its objectives and perceived value, Research design, data and methodology: This research used a systematic literature review (SLR) to identify relevant articles concerning strategies that firms from developing nations can adopt to implement and utilize e-commerce globally, especially when entering developed nations' markets. SLR in this research was used as a solo study that did not require the application of theories (as do empirical research). However, it can help by building a conceptual or model structure. Results: Based on the findings of the current literature investigation, the present author figured out that there are four corporate E-commerce strategies on the global economy perspective as follows: (1) Setting Up Effective Global Logistics, (2) Understanding Local Cultures, (3) Build Local Partnerships, (4) Self-Regulation. Conclusions: All in all, this research serves as crucial criterion for a practical e-commerce approach for this group of companies. Because of evaluating theoretical conclusions in practice, this empirical study yielded a model of crucial elements for effective e-commerce strategy execution.