
본문 바로가기 주메뉴 바로가기


  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

Vol.16 No.1

Yun Jung YIM(Korea National University of Transportation) ; Kyung Jin KIM(Korea National University of Transportation) pp.1-9

Purpose: This study aims to examine the impact of psychological distance on passengers’ acceptance of innovative railway services. It focuses on understanding how temporal and social distances influence creativity and attitudes, enhancing openness to innovation while reducing resistance. Research design, data and methodology: The study conducted three experimental studies using a factorial design. Study 1 explored the effects of temporal distance (long vs. short travel time) on innovation acceptance. Study 2 investigated the role of social distance (socially distant vs. close crew members) in influencing attitudes. Study 3 examined whether these effects are moderated by cognitive effort, using cognitive depletion as a condition. Data were collected from university students, and participants’ attitudes and creativity were measured using validated scales. Results: Study 1 revealed that long-distance travel increases creativity and fosters acceptance of innovative services. Study 2 demonstrated that passengers guided by socially distant crew members were more open to innovation. Study 3 confirmed that the process is heuristic, as the results remained unaffected by cognitive depletion, indicating that these effects do not rely on cognitive resources. Conclusions: The findings suggest that psychological distance enhances innovation acceptance by promoting creativity. Practical implications include tailoring innovative services for long-distance travel and leveraging social distance to foster receptiveness. This research contributes to both theoretical understanding and practical strategies for innovation in the railway industry.

Young-Geun PARK(Korea University) pp.11-17

Purpose: Before spending critical resources in possibly failing e-commerce implementation projects, corporate practitioners must identify e-commerce applications that have competitive and strategic value for the organization. This suggests that the firm should understand what it aims to achieve with e-commerce, including its objectives and perceived value, Research design, data and methodology: This research used a systematic literature review (SLR) to identify relevant articles concerning strategies that firms from developing nations can adopt to implement and utilize e-commerce globally, especially when entering developed nations' markets. SLR in this research was used as a solo study that did not require the application of theories (as do empirical research). However, it can help by building a conceptual or model structure. Results: Based on the findings of the current literature investigation, the present author figured out that there are four corporate E-commerce strategies on the global economy perspective as follows: (1) Setting Up Effective Global Logistics, (2) Understanding Local Cultures, (3) Build Local Partnerships, (4) Self-Regulation. Conclusions: All in all, this research serves as crucial criterion for a practical e-commerce approach for this group of companies. Because of evaluating theoretical conclusions in practice, this empirical study yielded a model of crucial elements for effective e-commerce strategy execution.

Hak-Kyu BYUN(Kangwon University) ; Min-Kyung CHOY(Kangwon University) pp.19-25

Purpose: Sustainable marketing orientation contributes to the sustainability performance of firms, and thus, dedicating long-term efforts to ESG principles will increase marketing efficiency in the future. Nonetheless, there are still many gaps regarding how marketing management integrates ESG considerations into its strategic processes. This research investigates four major ESG plans related to corporate marketing, the approach taken in their implementation. Research design, data and methodology: The PRIZMA statement was used to obtain relevant literature datasets. In the screening phase, articles and their titles and abstracts were scanned for the following criteria: (i) the articles must include ESG activities, (ii) there must be a clear link between the ESG activities and marketing strategy. Results: The findings of the literature analysis have suggested that four categories of ESG plans have been suggested to greatly help organizations enhance their marketing strategies and sustainability initiatives. These plans are strategic and measurable and investigate the social, environmental, and governance aspects of marketing. Conclusions: The four ESG plans presented in this research assist practitioners in how sustainability can be integrated shamelessly into the marketing concept for business value. With these plans, firms can address new sustainability requirements in the supply chain for their goods.


Purpose: The study explores the application of the metaverse by cities in South Korea and offers insights for more effective strategies in city management and citizen relationship management. It addresses the following research questions: 1) how do awareness of the metaverse, perceived city brand value, civil services, emotional responses, user experience, information usefulness, customized services, immersive communication, and economic, social, and cultural values vary across different cities? 2) how do attitude, intention to use, citizen satisfaction, loyalty, quality of life, prospect, and applications for customer relationship management differ across cities? and 3) how do attitude, intention to use, and citizen satisfaction differ across cities with demographic variables? Research design, data and methodology: This study conducted an online survey targeting residents of metropolitan cities in South Korea. To test the hypotheses, ANOVA and MANOVA were applied. Results: The findings reveal significant differences across cities in the effects of perspectives on awareness of the metaverse, perceived city brand value, public services, emotional responses, experience levels, information usefulness, customized services, communication applications, and economic, social, and cultural values. Conclusions: The results provide valuable managerial and policy insights for implementing the metaverse application in urban settings, emphasizing improved city management and enhanced citizen relationship management strategies.

Youncheong CHO(KDI School of Public Policy) pp.27-36

Purpose: The study explores the application of the metaverse by cities in South Korea and offers insights for more effective strategies in city management and citizen relationship management. It addresses the following research questions: 1) how do awareness of the metaverse, perceived city brand value, civil services, emotional responses, user experience, information usefulness, customized services, immersive communication, and economic, social, and cultural values vary across different cities? 2) how do attitude, intention to use, citizen satisfaction, loyalty, quality of life, prospect, and applications for customer relationship management differ across cities? and 3) how do attitude, intention to use, and citizen satisfaction differ across cities with demographic variables? Research design, data and methodology: This study conducted an online survey targeting residents of metropolitan cities in South Korea. To test the hypotheses, ANOVA and MANOVA were applied. Results: The findings reveal significant differences across cities in the effects of perspectives on awareness of the metaverse, perceived city brand value, public services, emotional responses, experience levels, information usefulness, customized services, communication applications, and economic, social, and cultural values. Conclusions: The results provide valuable managerial and policy insights for implementing the metaverse application in urban settings, emphasizing improved city management and enhanced citizen relationship management strategies.

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business