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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

Differences in Perceived Financial Risk according to Price Discounts and Product Types of Consumers in Korea and Thailand

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2016, v.7 no.2, pp.25-32
Kim, Eun-Hee


Purpose - The objective of this study is to investigate the differences and interaction effects on the perceived financial risk between Korean and Thai consumers according to the types of product(utilitarian and hedonic) and price discount (bundle and 50%off). Research design, Data and Methodology - This paper sets up 6 research subjects. Data collection was carried out in Korea and Thailand. Data was made of 154 Korean and 147 Thai consumers. As for the independent variables for this study, consumer types are composed of Korean and Thai consumers, price discount types were bundle(1+1) and 50% off price, and product types consist of utilitarian and hedonic product. The dependent variable is perceived as a financial risk. Each question is measured as a Likert-type five-point scale. Results - According to the price discount and product type, perceived financial risk of Thai consumers is confirmed to be a larger one than that of Korean consumers. Also, there are interaction effects in the perceived financial risk. Conclusion - Our findings can be used as useful information for global retail markets as marketing strategies in future Korean enterprise through a comparative study on Korean and Thai consumers.

Perceived Financial Risk, Price Discount Type, Product Type, Consumer Type



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business