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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

The Impact of Corporate's Attributes on Corporate Pension Insurance Products & Type Preference

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2017, v.8 no.2, pp.21-31
Joo, Heon


Purpose - The total amount of advanced Corporate Pension Insurance products exceed 148 trillion Korean Won at the end of 2016. For a firm with over 300 employees, when a bill on compulsion of introduction of Corporate Pension Insurance products, currently pending in court, is passed, Corporate Pension shall be an essential. The findings of the paper will provide a guideline for understanding on firm's attributes and its effects towards introduction of Corporate Pension Insurance products. Research design, data, and methodology - The data were collected using statistics of employer panel survey from Korea Labour Institute in 2013. The study analyses a sample survey on 1,775 outstanding enterprises and their HR department among whole corporations in Korea. For analysis of data, empirical testing by Logistic Regression was utilized. Results - As an outcome of empirical testing, variables on share of regular employees and the aged employees in over 50's generates a significant statistical meaning. It eventually gives a great impact on purchase of Corporate Pension scheme. Moreover, variables on corporate financial statement, current sales, current net income, total amount of the debts, labor cost per person also has a vital influence on introduction of Corporate Pension Insurance products. Lastly, variables on firm's labor relationship have no effect except for the execution or non-execution of HR consulting. Meanwhile, Variables affecting a choice on pension schemes types among firm's attributes are a share of regular employees, current net income, execution or non-execution of HR consulting etc. These variables represents a statistical implication. According to their each features, they prefer DB or DC plan. Conclusions - Introduction of corporate pension scheme is apposite to contemporary Korea's situation entering a hyper-aging society and firms with a high share of regular employees, the weight of aging, current sales, current net income and labor cost per person are exceedingly active in purchasing Corporate Pension Insurance products. However, after the introduction of corporate pension scheme, firms which has an implementation of consultation on human resource management, flexible benefits plan, job security and welfare system prefer DC plan whereas from financial perspective firms with high net income prefer DB plan.

Corporate Pension Insurance Products, Corporate Attribute Variables, DB/DC/IRP Type



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business