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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

The Influential Relations on Sharing Economy and Consumer Traits

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2017, v.8 no.6, pp.75-86
LI, Qing-Zhu
Lee, Jong-Ho


Purpose - The purpose of this study is to grasp the concept, characteristics and application status of sharing economy, and to derive a research model based on sharing economic service, and to analyze factors and influences of consumers' intention to reuse of sharing economy. Research design, data, and methodology - The questionnaires were created to examine variables for practical and theoretical implications. After pilot survey, conducted for 24 days from March 10th to April 2st in 2017, total numbers were 377. But 330 copies were used for the analysis with IBM SPSS Statistics 23.0 and IBM SPSS AMOS 23.0. The structural equation model was applied for this. Results - First, sharing economic services remain at an early stage, but it is meaningful to identify the revenue mechanism of the business model of the sharing economic platform. Second, in this study, it is meaningful that we systematized the theoretical structure by examining existing studies on the characteristics of the sharing economic service and consumer characteristics, and by examining empirically. Third, Satisfaction and Reliability are related to the characteristics of Sharing Economic Service (Security, Convenience, Discount, Sharing, Social Interaction), Consumer Characteristics (Personal Innovation, Word-of-Mouth) It is meaningful to broaden the understanding of the factors by verifying the mediating effect. Fourth, the sharing economy business is meaningful in that it is a new consumption trend that changes the meaning of consumption to consumers. Gradually, more and more people are recalling that purchasing something is not consumption, but sharing and borrowing is also consumption. In other words, through the sharing economy, consumers can experience more products and services, have more choices, and are expected to have a positive impact on economic growth by increasing the utilization of idle resources. Conclusions - Currently, the sharing economy is growing rapidly all over the world. Therefore, in the subsequent study, it is necessary to compare Korea and China's sharing economy and study the cultural and social characteristics of Korea and China. In particular, I think that steady research is necessary for more precise and specific direction on the influence of the shared economy.

Shairng Economy, Shairng Economy Services, Consumer Characteristics, Consumption



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business