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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

The Intention of Repurchase on e-Service Quality by Online Travel Agency Site

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2018, v.9 no.7, pp.61-70
Niu, Ling-Xiao
Lee, Jong-Ho


Purpose - The purpose of this research is reflected on the rapid development of online tourism industries. The study was to establish the strategy for Korean tourism enterprises to develop tourist commodities suitable for Chinese tourists and attract them to visit Korea by the empirical analysis of the relation between repurchase intention of tourists and its premise variables (e-service quality, perceived value and satisfaction). Research design, data, and methodology - This research carried out a questionnaire survey on Chinese tourists who visited Korea with experience of using the online travel agency web sites. A total 398 answers were recovered, 41 of them were excluded due to the dishonest answers and 357 of them were finally analyzed. The data was analyzed with IBM SPSS AMOS 22.0. Results - The research results show that in the online travel agency web site e-service quality, convenience, interactivity, information validity, credibility had a positive impacts on perceived value and satisfaction. The perceived value of online travel agency website users has positive impart on satisfaction and repurchase intention. Satisfaction of online travel agency web site users have positive impacts on repurchase intention. But safety has no impact on perceived value while positive impacts on satisfaction was affected. Conclusions - First, in the online travel agency web site e-service quality, safety has no impact on perceived value while it was shown to have positive impacts on satisfaction because the users of online travel agency web sites believe that the protection of personal information, the defense of cracker and the safeguard of payment security are the basic premises of website operation. Although safety does not have impacts on perceived value, users benefits will suffer damage when hacker intrusion and other accidents occur so that online travel agency web sites should not ignore the security concerns. Second, credibility is a major concern for online travel agency web site users. At this time, it is necessary for the web site to establish a system to display both the commodity information and the using experience published on the user's SNS, thus improving the credibility of the website information.

Online Travel Agency Websites, E-Service Quality, Repurchase Intention



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business