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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

The Relation among Brand Value, Relationship Value, Market Orientation and Performance in B2B

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2018, v.9 no.9, pp.53-62
Park, Seung-Hwan
Han, Sang-Seol


Purpose - The focus of this study is to investigate the structural influences such as brand value, relationship value, market orientation, long-term orientation, and performance. The effects of brand value and relationship value on the differences on transaction performance in b2b was investigated. Research design, data, and methodology - The subject of this study was a liquor and beverage distribution company that deals in b2b. The research hypothesis is based on literature of the preceding research analysis of brand value, relationship value, market orientation and long-term orientation. This study has constructs that was defined operationally by referencing previous studies. Operational questionnaire was used to investigate the target key staff who work in the liquor and beverage distribution company. 178 survey data were used for empirical analysis to prove the hypothesis. This study used structural equation techniques(AMOS) to prove the research hypothesis. Results - The main results of this empirical study were as follows. First, supplier's brand awareness has a positive effect on market orientation, but did not affect long-term orientation. Brand awareness of suppliers indicates that they are not directly related to long-term orientation. Second, supplier's brand image has a positive effect on market orientation and long-term orientation in b2b transaction. So, the brand image and reputation of the supplier suggest that it is important for the b2b transaction to have a market orientation tendency or a long-term orientation. Third, supplier's relationship value has a positive effect on long-term orientation, but does not affect market orientation. Relationship value indicates that they are not directly related to market orientations of the buyer. Fourth, Market orientation has a positive effect on long-term orientation and marketing performance and long-term orientation has a positive effect on marketing performance in b2b. Additionally, the buyers market and long term orientation are important factors in marketing performance in b2b. ' Conclusions - Based on empirical results, this study confirmed that brand image rather than brand awareness positively influenced long-term orientation as well as market orientation in b2b. Relationship value can be found in transactions, which is important for long-term orientation. Especially, these findings are suggestive in the consumer goods distribution market.

B2B, Brand Value, Relationship Value, Market Orientation, Long-Term Orientation



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business