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  • E-ISSN2233-5382
  • KCI

Mega Sport Event and Social Capital: A Host Community Perspective Comparison in Korea and the US through Social Conflict Theory

The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business / The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business, (E)2233-5382
2018, v.9 no.9, pp.63-74
Park, Seong-Hee
Cottingham, Michael
Seo, Won-Jae


Purpose - The current study is to compare the cognition of stakeholders on hosting a mega sports event between Korea and the United States. In particular, to understand their cognition and perceptual conflict towards hosting a mega sports event, the study employed conflict theory. Furthermore, the study reviewed the role of social capital in the process of managing the mega sports events. Research Design, Data, and Methodology - Of homogeneous sampling, purposeful sampling method and criterion-based selection approach were used to collect interview data from key stakeholders who have been involved in hosting a mega sports events in Korea and the United States. In-depth interview transcripts were reviewed multiple tiems after transcription to extract concepts and meanings that were pertinenet to the experience involving hosting a mega sports event. Further member checks was conducted to increase the credibility of the results. Results - Results can be summarized as followed: First, stakeholders of Korea have a strong desire for positive economic effects of a mega sports event, compared to those in the United States who are more concerned in enhancing the public interests and concerns. Second, in Korea, various socio-political issues emerged at the same time and conflicts among multiple stakeholders have aggravated the situations to coordinate the issues. This was because legal system supporting socio-trust has not been established. On the other hand, major stakeholders of the United States consisted of community members who have socio-trust and networks. Thereby these social resources have been found playing a key role in building social capital that assists the stakeholders to coordinate the current issues and to solve them. Conclusions - The current study analyzed the cognition and perceptual conflict of stakehoders in a mega sports event. Social capital has beend found as a key catalyst to increase a network and cooperation among stakeholders. In order to enhance social capital in managing a mega sports event hosted in Korea, legal systems that establish networks and relationships among the related stakeholders need to be developed. Furthermore, the systematic guideline needs to be developed, organizing the sub-committees according to the types of stakeholders and the categorized common needs.

Social Capital, Social Conflict Theory, Mega Sport Event, Stakeholders, Pyeong Chang Winter Olympics



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The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business