The National Assembly of R.O.K. has established and developed parliamentary democratic system up to now since the Constitutional Assembly in 1948. However, in order to establish and develop the management system that reflects an inherent character of the parliamentary minutes, lots of things are yet to be improved in institutional and operational aspects. This study aimed to propose the proper management system and improvement methods of the parliamentary minutes by comparing & analyzing minutes management cases of major foreign countries having a long history and the minutes of the National Assembly of R.O.K. First, it is necessary to make in-depth discussions about methods for reorganizing administrative system for the efficient production and management of the parliamentary minutes. Second, for the guarantee of the parliamentary minutes, systematical management based on laws is needed. The various types and value and characteristics involved in the minutes of the National Assembly can be said to start with a congressman, a representative the Nation and a member of the National Assembly. Accordingly, the minutes of the National Assembly produced from parliamentary members who were elected by the people must be freely utilized by the people.
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