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  • P-ISSN1598-1487
  • E-ISSN2671-7247

Review of the Necessity of Establishing the Framework Act on “Records and Archives”: Focusing on the Enactment of the Framework Act on National Heritage

Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management / Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management, (P)1598-1487; (E)2671-7247
2024, v.24 no.4, pp.93-111
Park Jongyeon
Kim Jin Sun


Specific discussions on revising the Public Records Management Act are crucial as the Republic of Korea seeks to modernize its national records system. The necessity of enacting the Framework Act for the transformation of the national records management system was reviewed, and the process of revising the Framework Act on National Heritage was confirmed to examine the plan for establishing the Framework Act on “Records and Archives.” A comprehensive, long-term strategy is essential to establish this new legal framework, with active collaboration among academia, civil society, expert organizations, and the National Archives of Korea. However, before initiating these reforms, it is imperative to assess whether such a transition is truly necessary for the Republic of Korea’s record management system and evaluate the readiness of stakeholders.

공공기록물법, 기본법, 기록물 기본법, 국가기록관리 혁신, 국가유산기본법, Public Records Management Act, Framework Act, Framework Act on “Records and Archives”, National records management innovation, Framework Act on National Heritage

Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management