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A Study on Facilitating the Use of Research Sources in Musicology: Based on the Analysis of Researchers' Information Needs

Journal Of Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science / Journal Of Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
2019, v.30 no.3, pp.245-266
Hong InGyeong
Kim Jihyun


This study suggested a plan to facilitate the use of research sources in Musicology based on examining information needs of researchers in the field and the status of using the sources. Through in-depth interviews of domestic researchers in Musicology, this study collected and analyzed the researchers' information needs, the status of utilizing the sources, perceived values of the sources and opinions about problems and solutions related to using the sources. Predicated on the analysis, the study noted the plan to facilitate the use of research sources in Musicology in three aspects. First, it is necessary to collect comprehensively and systematize the research sources. Second, education and promotion of the sources to users should be provided. Third, training music librarians and collaborating among the librarians and associated institutions are needed. The study can be used as a basis to effectively provide information and services developed by research institutions relating to Musicology and institutions of art and culture that effectively provide information.

음악학 이용자, 음악학 연구자원, 연구자 정보요구, 전문도서관, 음악전문사서

Journal Of Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science