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메뉴ISSN : 2093-3843
Internet has a lot of positive and negative effects, nevertheless, it shares something in common and that is when you get into using the internet, it is so incredibly addictive that you cannot come out of it, causing loneliness and stress potentially. Even though internet addiction is described as interesting and important for public internet users and its effects of potentially problems, there is lack of data regarding cyber-sexual addiction among university students that is a subordinate position in internet addiction. This research was conducted to study the prevalence of cyber-sexual addiction among university students and to test the mediation effect of loneliness and stress between them. Questionnaires were administered to 341 university students and CAI(Young,2001), RULS(Russell et al., 1980), BEPSI-K(Bae et al., 1992) were used to measure them. The result shows that cyber-sexual addiction tendency and loneliness are more strongly related in male students than female students; on the other hands, female students reported higher stress index than male students. And loneliness and stress have positive correlation with cyber-sex respectively. And also loneliness showed that perfect mediated influence of stress affects cyber-sex addiction.
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