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메뉴ISSN : 2093-3843
Korean supreme court’s reliability standards for eyewitness testimony have not fully reflected researches of social science. Now, it is time for our practitioner and theorists to make efforts to suggest detailed alternative resolutions, as to the issues of accuracy of eyewitness testimony. Basically, inaccurate eyewitness identification arises from both a systematic cause of improperly composing a process and a non-systematic cause of limits of a human memory. Currently, korean supreme court’s discretion to determine reliability of eyewitness testimony seems to go to the level of excessiveness. Most of all, the court’s standards do not have criteria for considerations of substantial and other factors. Korean supreme court made confused reasoning of reliability issues regarding eyewitness testimony evidences and other general evidences. It is not accidental that the court has tried to make up for damaged reliability of eyewitness testimony by raising other evidence unrelated to eyewitness evidence. To cope with these problems, we need to introduce the system of inadmissibility of eyewitness identificaton evidence, if not other special circumstances or evidence pointed to another direction. To make it possible, the comprehensive standards should be drafted for a guidance of policemen, prosecutors, and courts.
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