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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
This study has a blog usage experience with china netizen. We found the impact that blog usage motive, involvement and political-society disposition influence on a journalism role with a blog. This study collected the blog usage motive, involvement and political society disposition through in depth interview, and developed the measurement scales. We collected the data with china netizen with blog usage experienced of 296 persons. Results were as follows: First, A blog usage motive appeared seven, self-expressive and informational search motives were revealed that we had an influence on blog role recognition. Second, they had the difference in a blog usage motive according to a blog involvement and blog involvement reveled that we had an influence on blog role recognition. Third, the society involvement disposition of china netizen had an influence on blog role recognition, it effects on significantly social motivation of blog usage. The implication of this study is a follows. We verified the blog usage motive, and blog involvement and society involvement disposition are important elements which understand a blog usage motive. Finally, we confirmed that psychological and social motive related to blog role recognition.
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