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To develop and validate Consumers' Innovation Resistance Scale which review studies about consumer' innovation resistance and defined about consumer' innovation resistance. In study 1, reviewed studies about consumer' innovation resistance and developed item by defined operation definition. and explored a correlation with consumers' innovation, resistance to change and openness. In addition, tested influence on the attitude and purchase intent of smart pad and Exploratory Acquisition of Product(EAP). The result from the exploratory factor analysis and item analysis supported 3 factor and 14 items. consumers' innovation resistance distinguished from the resistance to change and reveled significant negative correlations with consumers' innovation and openness. Consumers' innovation resistance has a negative influence to an acceptance of smart pad and EAP. In study 2, the 3 factor structure of the scale identified on study 1 was supported by confirmatory factor analysis using a structural equation modeling. The result of confirmatory factor analysis showed that 3 factor model had a better fit to the data than the 2 factor model 1 and the 2 factor model 1. We examined the correlation between consumers' innovation resistance and perceived risk, technology discomfort, and technology insecurity and tested influence on the attitude and purchase intent of wearable computer. consumers' innovation resistance revealed to have significant correlation with perceived risk, technology discomfort, and technology insecurity. consumers' innovation resistance has a negative influence to an acceptance of wearable computer. Finally, the implication, limitations, and future directions of this study are discussed.
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