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The Effects of Innovation Resistance, Prior Knowledge and Advertising Appeal on Attitude toward Advertising and Purchase Intention


This study was to be designed to provide insights regarding the effects of innovation resistance(IR), prior knowledge(PK), and advertising appeal(ADA) on attitude toward advertising (ATA) and purchase intention(PI). Firstly, we examined attitude toward ATA and PI in two methods of ADA (i.e., comparative and non-comparative advertising) on the level of consumers' innovation resistance. There were no significant differences between ADAs for high IR and low IR separately. Secondly, we found that both the PK main effect and the ADA main effect are significant and the interaction between PK and AA is significant. Finally, there was a significant interaction effect between IR, PK and ADA on ATA and PI and represented a difference in menas between comparative ad and non-comparative ad for high PK minus a difference in means between comparative ad and non-comparative ad for low PK while being low IR. And the practical as well as theoretical implications were also discussed.

innovation resistance, prior knowledge, advertising appeal, comparative/non-comparative ad, attitude toward advertising, purchase intention



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