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Gender Difference in the Effect of Sympathy and Empathy with Female Drinking in TV Drama on Drinking Intention: Focusing on Involvement as a Mediator


Despite the rapidly increasing rate of drinking, media appears to encourage people to drink more through advertising and product placement in movies and television dramas in which even female characters are shown engaging in the excessive consumption of alcohol. The study examines whether sympathy and empathy, emotional responses to viewing female characters that engage in excessive drinking, affect people's intentions of drinking based on gender differences and whether involvement plays a role as a mediator in the relationship between emotional response and drinking intention. The results show that sympathy has an impact on men's increase of drinking intention, whereas women do not change their intention of drinking by sympathy with female drinking in TV dramas. The gender difference in the effect of sympathy on drinking intention is explained by the role of involvement as a full mediator. By contrast, empathy increase the drinking intention in both groups. In the relationship between empathy and drinking intentions, the role of involvement as a mediator is played stronger in a male group than in a female group. In short, sympathy and empathy with female drinking scenes in the dramas lead to an increase in drinking intentions among male participants due to the mediation of involvement, whereas the female participants change their drinking intentions only after they emotionally connect to the imbibing female characters in TV dramas regardless of involvement. These findings will aid communicators to find out theoretical background of proactive media management for protecting people, especially women, from too much drinking.

Involvement, Sympathy, Empathy, Intention of Drinking, Mediator



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