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ISSN : 1229-8778
As people donate more personally in various ways, there has been growing number of researches finding effective persuasion for donation. Especially several studies revealed an effectiveness of donation according to a facial expression of a child in charity advertisement. Donators tended to donate more to a child with a sad face than to one with a happy face. Current study stated a necessity of separation of charitable purposes and assumed that the effectiveness of donation would be different according to the purpose of donation. The experiment was a 2(recipient’s facial expression: hopeful/hopeless) x 2(charitable purpose: survival/education) within-subject design. As a result, participants felt more sympathetic to faces expressing hopelessness than to hopefulness, but the difference of donation amount between two face conditions was not statistically significant. In addition, participants felt more sympathetic and donated more when the charitable purpose was solving the trouble of survival rather than giving the chance of education. Lastly, amount of donations to a hopeless face was higher in charity for survival than in charity for education, but it was not statistically significant. Also the interaction effect between a face and purpose on sympathy was not found. In the end, this paper suggested its own limitation and implication for future research of donations.
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