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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
Recently, companies are actively promoting art marketing strategies to use art in product design and advertising. and consumers meet the desire to differentiate themselves from others through products. Therefore, this study tried to find out how the emotion and reputation of art applied to product design affects the consumer's responses. In addition, we tried to find effective product design method using art by examining the effect difference according to product type. The results are as followed: First, the products with paintings that provoke positive emotions had the better consumers’ response than the ones with paintings that bring out negative emotions. And the effect was moderated by art popularity level. Consumers showed the highest product preference and purchase intention to products with art that is high reputation and provokes positive emotion, However, in case of purchase decision time, the shortest time was appeared in the product with art that has low reputation and positive emotion. Moreover, the results revealed that the effect of art-provoked emotion and art popularity on product differs depending on the product type. Public products were more affected by art-provoked emotion than private products. This study is meaningful in that it confirms the influence of arts on attributes and product types, unlike previous researches on effects of merely using arts in products. Finally, based on these results, theoretical and practical implications of art attributes to be considered according to product type in future product design are suggested.
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