ISSN : 1229-8778
This study examined the effects of corporate CEO’s misbehavior on the corporate reputation and consumer attitude using the self-construal type as a moderating variable. In the era that corporate social responsibility is heavily valued and emphasized globally among businesses, corporate CEO’s unethical behavior and scandals hve been frequently on the national news in Korea. Their misconduct includes such as sexual harrassment, verbal violence, unfair and violent behavior, improper order, delayed salary payment or unacceptable forms of salary payment. The two CEO’s misbehavior we used for this study are CEO’s verbal violence, and CEO’s decision to give products as salary. The dependent variables are corporate reputation and attitude toward company. The results disclosed that after the newspaper articles about the misconduct was read, respondents’ perception about all variables were significantly lowered. Respondents of interdependent self-construal type responded more negatively in their assessment of corporate reputation and company attitude. Pertaining to corporate reputation, CEO’s decision to give products as salary was more negatively perceived than CEO’s verbal violence. As for attitude toward company, the result was identical as that of the corporate reputation but not statistically significant. No interaction effects between unethical types and self-construal forms were detected. Practical and theoretical implications were discussed in the concluding chapter.
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