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메뉴ISSN : 1229-8778
This research investigates the role of emotion in the persuasion process by establishing a novel relationship between emotion and construal level. Built on cognitive appraisal theories, this research proposes that the certainty appraisal components of emotions exert a direct influence on an individual’s representation of information at a high versus low construal level. The findings indicate that individuals primed to experience a specific emotional state strongly associated with uncertainty construe behaviors or events at a high level while those primed to experience an emotional state strongly linked to certainty characterize behavior or events at a low level (Study 1). Such a fit (vs. nonfit) between an individual’s emotional state and the construal level at which product benefits in an advertising message are represented lead to a more favorable evaluation of the message and product. The findings of this research specifically suggest that individuals induced to feel happiness associated with certainty respond to ad messages described in terms of feasibility than desirability and that the opposite pattern would be found for those induced to feel fear associated with uncertainty. Accordingly, these outcomes occur because the certainty appraisal components of specific emotions significantly influence mental construal levels.
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