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Reanalysis on the Effects of Direction and Type of Online Review and Moderating Effects of Temporal Distance


While reviewing the prior studies on online review effect, this study raised the need to control the degree of impact by online review’s direction and type at the same level and reanalyzed the main and interaction effects between direction and type of online review and hypothesized and tested moderating effects of the temporal distance. For this purpose, this study conducted prior research to control the degree of direction and type effects and employed 2(positive and negative)*2(factual and evaluative)* 2(nearby and distant) experimental design(between subjects design) to test the hypotheses. The results showed that the effects of positive and negative review on brand attitude and purchase intention was significantly positive and negative, and the negative impact of negative review was greater than positive impact of positive review. We also found the interaction effects between direction and type of online review and moderating effects of temporal distance. Finally, we discussed the academic and managerial implications from the research results and suggested future research directions with the recognized limitations of this study.

Online Review, Direction of Online Review, Type of Online Review, Temporal Distance



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