ISSN : 1229-8778
This study presents an analysis of information content in Korean magazine advertisements in 2004. This study proposes an extended framework which consists of 25 information cues including 14 cues of Resnik and Stern's(1977) classification. The results show that number of information cues in magazine ads examined is 3.86 on average and 97.5% of the ads contain more than one ad. It is also found that more than half of the ads contain three to five information cues. The type of information featured most is website information followed by availability, performance, and components/contents. It is observed that the amount and type of information featured in the ads differ significantly depending on visual-copy relationships and product types in terms of information processing and consumption value. This study provides an updated data of the amount and type of information in Korean magazine ads. Implications of the findings are discussed in relation to the need for further research on developing an extended framework and assessing informativeness of magazine ads.
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