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Korean Journal of School Psychology


Socio-Psychological Predictors of Psychological Maladjustments Among Chinese Students in Korea


The number of Chinese students in Korean universities are on rapid rise for several years. The current study tried to understand their life by analyzing the psychological maladjustments they experience and their relevant factors. Two subscales of SCL-90-R were used to measure the level of depression and anxiety. We also investigated socio-individual and psychological factors influencing the level of psychological maladjustments. Socio-psychological factors were age, sex, duration of stay m Korea, economic status of family, self- reported proficiency of Korean language, residential type, and health condition. Psychological factors were self-esteem, self-efficacy, and the perceived level of social support. The significant influencing factors on psychological maladjustments were health condition and self-efficacy. Surprisingly, many relevant factors did not show meaningful influence on psychological maladjustments. Further analysis indicates that Chinese students tend to maintain a cultural island where Chinese students mingle mainly with other Chinese. Those living in the cultural island tend to report high level of psychological maladjustments.

중국 유학생, 심리적 부적응, 불안, 우울, 사회적 지지, 건강상태, 섬 생활, Chinese international students, Psychological maladjustments, Depression, Anxiety, Social Support, cultural island.



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Korean Journal of School Psychology