- P-ISSN 1225-0163
- E-ISSN 2288-8985
A short study for the uncertainty of post column isotope dilution method has been performed forthe analysis of Selenomethionine in HPLC-ICP/MS. Major error sources studied were concentration and theflow rate of Se isotope solution, atomic weights of Se in spike and sample, and isotope ratio measured for thespiked sample. Uncertainties were obtained for each factor and the contribution for the total concentration uncertaintywas 54.4% and 0.61%, 0.0072% and 0.018%, and 45.0%, respectively. The biggest contribution factor wasconcentration of the spike solution and the second was the isotopic ratio measured for the spiked sample solution. The mass flow rate of spike and atomic weights did not show much contribution. The calculated total uncertaintywas 1.46 ng·g−1 for the standard SeMet (126.30 ng·g−1). The experimental result was 127.09±1.46 ng·g−1 and therelative uncertainty was 1.20%.
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