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  • E-ISSN2288-2766
  • KCI

Human Response Capability and Customer Relationship Management Advantage: The Direct, Indirect, and Interactive Roles of Information Technology Service Application

East Asian Journal of Business Economics / East Asian Journal of Business Economics, (E)2288-2766
2014, v.2 no.3, pp.33-42
Yi-Feng Yang (Shu-Te University, Kaohsiung City,Taiwan)
Ching-Yaw Chen (Shu-Te University)
Yu-Je Lee (Takming University of Science)
Shyh-Hwang Lee (Shu-Te University)


The main purpose of this study intends to study the theoretical interconnection between human response capability and customer relationship management advantage while considering the essential role of service application of information technology as direct, indirect (mediating), and interactive (moderating) influences in the theory. Based on the study sample, the new findings help comprehend the overall interconnected relationship which includes the direct and indirect (mediating) effects of information technology service capability and human response capability as well as their interaction (moderation) on customer relationship management advantage. The new insights interprets the two capabilities (human and information technology) are vital to business because they are the foundation set of service resources significantly to enhance customer relationship management advantage. Keywords: human response capability, information

human response capability, information technology service application, customer relationship management advantage



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East Asian Journal of Business Economics