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  • E-ISSN2288-2766
  • KCI

Vol.9 No.2

Zhou Lin Lin(School of Business, Huaihua University, Hunan, China.) ; Hyung-Ho Kim pp.1-10 https://doi.org/10.20498/eajbe.2021.9.2.1

The purpose of this study is to measure the efficiency of social security expenditure in 31 provinces, cities and autonomous regions in China and proposes corresponding improvement plans. The data were obtained from the statistical yearbook of each province. DEA model and Malmquist index were used for efficiency analysis, and the original input-output index was extended. The results show that the social security performance of the Chinese government has improved on the whole despite the unbalanced development in different regions. The study suggests that provinces affected by TCI should improve their internal environment, such as raising social security fund structure and strengthening fund supervision, to improve efficiency. Areas affected by TECI need to be more responsive to policy, socio-economic and technological development. The research conclusion can provide reference for Chinese provinces to improve the efficiency of social security expenditure in the future.

Sungheun Lee ; HWANG HEE JOONG pp.11-19 https://doi.org/10.20498/eajbe.2021.9.2.11

Purpose: This study examines the main effects of the supervisor's abusive supervision on the organizational citizenship behavior of subordinates toward colleagues, and then attempts to clarify that the perceived LMX variability of team members plays a moderating role in the meantime. Research design, data and methodology: First, we examine the effects of the supervisor's abusive supervision on the organizational citizenship behavior of subordinates in the team toward colleagues. Second, the degree of perceived LMX variability is measured to verify the moderating effect of abusive supervision on OCB toward coworkers. Results: By looking at abusive supervision through the LMX differentiation lens, the multilateral interaction between the leader and members will have a significant influence on the individual's behavior in the team. Conclusions: It is significant in that the scope of abusive supervision research has been expanded through the team level moderator of perceived LMX variability, away from the research on abusive supervision that was mainly discussed at the level of bilateral relations.

Hong, Ga-Hye ; Eunmi Kim ; Lee, Jaehak pp.21-30 https://doi.org/10.20498/eajbe.2021.9.2.21

Purpose –The purpose of this paper is to advance the understanding of the relationship between employees’ corporate social responsibility (CSR) perception and affective commitment in Mexico. Specifically, this study examines the moderating effects of employees’ cultural orientations on the relationship between perceived CSR and affective commitment among Mexican employees. Research design and methodology – To explore the impact of perceived CSR on affective commitment and moderating roles of collectivism and power distance on the relationship, this study collected a survey data from 296 Mexican employees working for a Korean company’s subsidiaries in Mexico. To examine hypotheses, this study conducted a hierarchical regression. Results – The results show the positive effect of perceived CSR on affective commitment significantly. In addition, this study confirmed that the positive moderating effect of collectivism and the negative moderating impact of power distance on the relationship between perceived CSR and affective commitment. Conclusions – Drawing upon social identity theory, this study examined the effects of employee perception of CSR, employees’ cultural value orientations and affective commitment to the organization among Mexican employees. This study extends the understanding of perceived CSR and affective commitment. Particularly, this study demonstrates that the relationship between perceived CSR and affective commitment is influenced by employees’ collectivistic and power distance orientation.


Purpose– This research's purpose is to give implications on how to increase employee satisfaction and organizational commitment of Korean employees using internal marketing. To do that this study analyzes relationships among variables and analyses mediating effect of satisfaction. Also, this study wants to analyze economic performance change of business as a moderator so group comparison between an economic slump and economic recovery is included. Research design, data, and methodology– To analyze relationships among internal marketing, employee satisfaction and organizational commitment of Korean employees, this study used the 7th KRIVET's HCCP data of employee and firm's financial statements data. And conducted CFA, SEM and group comparison analysis by using AMOS 21. Result– According to the empirical results, employee satisfaction mediates between internal marketing and organizational commitment. However, trust was the only significant antecedent that give a positive influence on employee satisfaction. And employee satisfaction increases organizational commitment. Also, economic performance change of business does significantly deteriorate relationships. Conclusion– Based on this study result, implications to manage the organizational commitment of Korean employees are discussed. Especially, the effect of employee satisfaction and trust discussed. Also, economic performance group which is an economic slump and economic recovery differentiation is highlighted. Therefore the cautious approach is needed in managing employee attitude to job and organization is needed


Purpose: This study aims to build other studies and research on the perception and association of fair hiring policy and employee job satisfaction. The reviews and further research of the performance appraisal and employee satisfaction topics provided a basis to conduct this study based on the challenges that result from equality hiring perception on the performance appraisal on the job satisfaction by employees. Research design, data and methodology: The author in this study collected many textual contexts from mostly peer-reviewed academic journals, which means that academic comprehensive integrity can be obtained by qualitative approach for this study with discussing and following a constructive review analysis. Results: There is little doubt that this study was significant and relevant to the relationship between fair hiring policy and worker’s job satisfaction, indicating that an organization that practices a fair hiring policy positively affects employee job satisfaction. After all, the employee needs are well catered for and meet appropriately. Conclusions: This study suggests that fairness extensively relies on the organization's ability to identify and eliminate any form of performance challenges regarding equity and has proved and determined the significant relationship between fair hiring policy and employees' job satisfaction

Seo-Yeon LEE ; PARK HYEYOON pp.55-73 https://doi.org/10.20498/eajbe.2021.9.2.55

Purpose –This study aims to determine how the characteristics of the airline's SNS marketing affects brand image, brand attitude according to perceived values, and to analyze the impact of SNS marketing factors. It was intended to provide theoretical and practical implications for airlines to refer to SNS marketing activities. Research design, data, and methodology –A questionnaire was formed based on previous studies, and then an online questionnaire was created to conduct a survey. Explained the purpose and asked to respond. From February 1 to 14, 2020, 333 responses with a valid number of samples were confirmed for the final analysis of the data. The questionnaire was composed of five areas: demographic characteristics, SNS factor, brand image, brand attitude, and perceived value. Result –Airline's SNS marketing, brand image, and brand attitude are affected by the gender, age, and SNS usage time of the user, and the perceived value of the user is shown to be controlled by the airline's SNS marketing's influence on brand image and brand attitude. Conclusion –When SNS is to be effectively used for airline marketing, it is necessary to pay attention to the demographic characteristics and the control effect of perceived value, and use it for airline management. The perceived value has been shown to affect SNS marketing’s brand image and brand attitude.

Jinman KWAK ; Moon, Jaeseung pp.75-84 https://doi.org/10.20498/eajbe.2021.9.2.75

Purpose – The purpose of this study is to derive practical implications for human resource management to improve service quality by demonstrating the moderating effect of perceived supervisor support in the relationship between self-leadership, job satisfaction, and customer orientation. Research design, data, and methodology – 800 questionnaires were distributed and collected for beauty service companies with two or more employees. Among them, 602 data were analyzed using SPSS 24 and AMOS 24. For the assessment of goodness of fit of the models, TLI, CFI, RMSEA indices were used. Result –The empirical results are as follows. First, it was found that self-leadership had a positive effect on job satisfaction and customer orientation. Second, job satisfaction was found to have a positive effect on customer orientation. Third, it was found that job satisfaction had a mediating effect in the relationship between self-leadership and customer orientation. Fourth, empirical data showed that the moderating effect of supervisor support in the relationship between self-leadership on job satisfaction was significant. Conclusion –This study contributed to the expansion of related theories by analyzing the moderating effect of perceived supervisor support in the relationship between self-leadership, job satisfaction, and customer orientation, and provides practical implications for efficient human resource management.

East Asian Journal of Business Economics