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  • E-ISSN2288-2766
  • KCI

Vol.5 No.3

Elena Nikolaevna Vyborova(economic sciences, professor Russia, Kazan, Tatarstan) pp.1-32 https://doi.org/10.20498/eajbe.2017.5.3.1

Purpose - the analysis of the main macroeconomic indicators in Russia and the leading countries- partners. Study of GDP, the debt, the foreign trade and other indicators. Research design, data, methodology - on Russia the amount of data to be analyzed at the present stage, from the 2010 y. to the 2015 y. In the order to the assess of trends of development the array of data on the indicators used for the 1995-2017 y.y. The data analyzed using the methods of multivariate statistics and application of the software package Statgraphics. Results – Hypothesis 1. GDP in spite of a slight decline in the recent years has tended to increase in the most countries of the world and its structure is uneven. Hypothesis 2. The foreign trade turnover after the significant reduction tends to grow. The foreign trade balance in Russia and in the number of leading countries-partners has a positive balance, dominated by the export of goods.

Kim Dong Hwa ; Daesung Seo pp.33-40 https://doi.org/10.20498/eajbe.2017.5.3.33

Purpose – This paper suggests approaching methods for a way of strategies for traditional market extend and new e-business, market development, and plan of new product in the future and develop a way of method for cooperation through analysis on the smart phone market trend in different culture, effectively. Research design, data, methodology – As research design, data, and methodology, this paper suggests new idea and approaches from comparing characteristics analysis of smart phone market in different culture in AEC. This paper takes data to analysis from ITU, World Bank, AEC, and IMF. These organizer’s data can be trusted as official society in the world. This paper can prove market and the characteristics of society through the corresponding results. Results – This paper can suggest the novel idea on market development and the big possibility depend on ACE country and can describe the possibility on new market because of low smart phone market penetration and low digital market penetration. Conclusions – This paper concludes to develop e-business, culture friendly ship, linking with education, development of appropriate technology depend on country, and should develop new strategy for market extend to low penetration.

HWANG HEE JOONG ; Soo-Joon Chae pp.41-47 https://doi.org/10.20498/eajbe.2017.5.3.41

Purpose - Adult learners are easily exposed to the risk of plagiarizing others' writings when writing papers or reports. Therefore, this study investigates the research ethics of adult learners and suggests alternatives for research ethics standards in online lifelong education system. The purpose of this study is to investigate the causes of violation of research ethics and preventive measures (education program) for adult learners. Research design, data, methodology - Before establishing a research ethics education plan, it is confirmed through the empirical investigation of adult learners in undergraduate. In this study, 30 questionnaires of 5-point Likert scale were used to examine the level of consciousness of adult learners related to research ethics. Results - First, the experience of participating in ethics education and the presence of prior knowledge did not affect the prevention of research ethics violation. Second, adult learners did not learn about research ethics in the pre-college education environment and they frequently engaged in research ethics violation without guilt or consciousness. Third, the students who experienced the research ethics violation (plagiarism) were more willing to know and use the plagiarism search program. Fourth, Opinions differed according to age as to the need to enforce research ethics compliance. Conclusions - Universities should clearly and easily announce and monitor plagiarism criteria or guidelines. When adult learners are relieved of the anxiety about the possibility of violation of research ethics, a developmental and original research atmosphere will be created.

; Kim, Gyubae ; Song,In-Ahm pp.48-63 https://doi.org/10.20498/eajbe.2017.5.3.48

Purpose - of the present research has been conducted to investigate the effect of a company creating shared value (CSV) influencing consumers’ emotions that lead to prosocial behavior. Research design, data, methodology - on the survey including companies CSVs and their economic and social values as an independent variable, the sense of gratitude and pride from the consumers as a mediating variable and the companies authenticity as a moderating variable was performed by 340 respondents of Korean population over 20 years of age with 30 questionnaire and Likert 7 level. Data analysis was conducted with SPSS and reliability tests on the variables with Cronbach’s alpha confirmatory factor analysis and AMOS were used for discriminant validity and model fit. Results – indicate that the economic or social value of corporate CSV activities affects positively consumer’s gratitude or pride except for the social value of CSV to consumer’s pride. Gratitude or pride of consumers affects positively consumers’ prosocial behavior. Companies’ authenticity affects positively the relationship between economic or social value of CSV and either gratitude or pride of consumers. Conclusions – of the relationship between CSV and surrounding emotional factors demonstrate that the economic value of CSV gives people authentic pride but the social value does consumers hubristic pride. Also the activity of companies CSV affects positively prosocial consumer behavior through the consumers’ gratitude and pride.

East Asian Journal of Business Economics