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  • E-ISSN2288-2766
  • KCI

Vol.5 No.4

Sung-Woo Lee ; (Caroline University) ; Chung Hun Chung pp.1-19 https://doi.org/10.20498/eajbe.2017.5.4.1

The current study attempts to enhance competitiveness by improving Chinese restaurant chefs’ work environment and analyzes its effect on work environment and burnout. Also, this study analyzes to see if there is moderation role of enthusiasm between work environment and burnout. Based on analyzation, the present study aims to suggest more effective measure of human resource management by reducing burnout and turnover through providing chefs with more stable and consistent work environment and through their enthusiasm. Based on empirical study, as a result of testing <Hypothesis 1>, work environment factors – such as welfare environment, human environment, and institution environment – turned out to have significant effects. As a result of testing <Hypothesis 2>, work environment factors – such as welfare environment, human environment, and institution environment – turned out to have significant effects. As a result of testing <Hypothesis 3>, work environment factors – such as welfare environment and human environment – turned out to have significant effects, whereas institution environment did not. To test <Hypothesis 4>, moderation role of enthusiasm was tested, and the result is as follow: (1) As a result of interaction between work environment and individual’s sense of accomplishment, it turned out that human environment had significant effect, whereas welfare environment and institution environment did not. (2) As a result of interaction between work environment and depersonalization, welfare environment, human environment, and institution environment sis not have significant effect. (3) As a result of interaction between work environment and emotional depletion, work environment had significant effect, whereas human environment and welfare environment did not.

; Kim, Hae-Ryong ; Choung-Seob SHIN(Caroline University) ; Chung Hun Chung pp.20-38 https://doi.org/10.20498/eajbe.2017.5.4.20

Purpose - this study analyzes the impact of restaurant startup education on transfer effects in learning and entrepreneurial intentions based on previous research. Also, problems and ways to provide effective business startup education for a restaurant founder will be proposed based on the result. Method – this study collected surveys by conducting direct investigation. From July 20th of 2016 to September 20th of 2016 (approximately 60 days), the survey was collected. Out of 540 surveys, 520 were collected. And excepting 9 surveys which were untrustworthily conducted, total 511 surveys were used for the analysis. Result – First, as a result of the impact of which factor of a restaurant founder’s startup education has a positive impact on transfer effect in learning (the satisfaction of startup education and learning transfer), law education, entrepreneurship education and business district analysis education and practical education have turned out be positively related variables. Secondly, as a result of the impact of a restaurant founder’s startup education satisfaction on transfer in learning, it has been identified that startup education has a positive impact. Lastly, by conducting an analysis to find out which factor from a restaurant founder’s transfer effect in learning has an impact on entrepreneurial intention, all variables, including startup education satisfaction and transfer effect in learning, are positively influencing factors. Conclusion – as startup education satisfaction of a restaurant founder is increasing, there is a higher level of transfer effect in learning. Moreover, as transfer effect of startup business is getting higher, it has an impact on entrepreneurial intention.


Purpose – This study is to propose a creative idea for constant business growth and development by examining characteristics of business outcomes by phase, which are “growth” and “erosion and stagnation,” respectively. Research design, data, and methodology – It is necessary to identify an occurrence of crisis and its diffusion with a dynamic model in order to identify a success and failure of businesses in an organic way, not on a binary structure. According to “Dynamic Understanding of the Success and Failure of Businesses” published in 2007 by Samsung Economics Research Institute (SERI), the success and failure of the business can be analyzed largely by dynamic and static perspectives. The static perspective is to understand a crisis as a simply one-time event or as a linear causation. Thus, it has a limited understanding of the overall situation and has limits to investigating a foundational cause and developing long-term countermeasures. On the contrary, the dynamic perspective is to understand the crisis as circulation process of the overall system. Thus, it divides elements of the crisis as external and internal ones to understand it as the causal relationship of each element. Considering that the crisis is caught in a viscous circle and triggers a chain reaction amid the internally accumulated fear factors interacting with the external threat-causing ones, there is no option but to take the dynamic perspective which is more valid than the static one in organically identifying the success and failure of businesses. In the dynamic model of success and failure of businesses, the “growth” means the virtuous cycle, where the strength of corporate system enhances management achievement/performance, which consequently reinforces the system capacity. Next, the “erosion” is the stage where the growth loop goes habitual and lose suitability, which progresses with the growth loop at the same time. “Resonance”, which is the pre-stage of the decline, is where both internal erosion elements and external threat factors interact, which leads to deterioration of business performances and disturbance of the system. Lastly, the “decline” is the changing process where the shock from the resonance goes beyond the absorption and control capacity of the initial system, which becomes vicious circle from the virtuous cycle. Results –- During the growth period of Burger King, the company promoted its brand very successfully with aggressive and creative marketing activities. However, due to the founder’s disposal of management rights and the following changes in the management, the company had no choice but to lose focus on its business philosophy and brand management, and eventually it had to face the big crisis (resonance) which was delisting from the stock market because of the external threat; well-being trend. However, Burger King resumed lifting on the stock exchange by making great efforts to clearly identify the current issues and seek solutions. Under the spirit of “perseverance” and its slogan “Have it your way” the company is now going head to head with McDonald’s in the North American region and emerging countries. Conclusions – Then, what is the most crucial factor in the success and failure of businesses? Answers may vary, however, as learned from the case study of Burger King, corporations should inspect the present and focus on developing a long-term strategy for the future and actively fulfill the actions. McDonald’s may not be able to innovate by itself in the future as it may become routinized to the growth. There will be chances of winning if we change conditions of individuals or organizations to an organic system in terms of being creative. There is a hopeful message here that an individual or small business may have more advantages in the era of the idea and innovation.

Chung Hun Chung ; ; Park, Deaseob pp.50-66 https://doi.org/10.20498/eajbe.2017.5.4.50

The purpose of this study is to identify the structural influencing relationship of a hotel chief’s competency, job satisfaction and guest orientation. Moreover, this research tries to point out implication of effective human resource management, based on competency, to intensify job satisfaction and guest orientation, by verifying the influential relationship of job satisfaction between personal competency and guest orientation. To achieve those goals, as a result of substantiation analysis, a hotel chief’s personal competency, such as self-control, guest orientation, situation management and professionalism, has a positive impact on job satisfaction. However, it turned out that situation management has no positive influence on guest orientation. Lastly, the analysis indicated that organization concentration has control effect on job satisfaction and guest orientation.

Yang, Hoe Chang ; Kim Hwa Kyung pp.67-74 https://doi.org/10.20498/eajbe.2017.5.4.67

Purpose - The main purpose of this study is to contribute to the elevation of producers' production at various levels by proposing the creation of producer improvement indexes that can be used for the successful 6th industrialization of Korean agribusiness based on the Kano model and has synergistic effects on the development of the 6th industry through scientific researches. Research design, data, methodology - To this end, this study derived better and worse index from the same estimation of Timko's customer satisfaction index as in the evaluation charts used in previous researches and theoretical studies on the Kano model. Results – In this paper, we suggested that the formula for producing PSCI Index be applied to yield the producer improvement index in the 6th industry, in order to draw SIPPI. Conclusions – If this suggestion is realized, then a lot of researchers will be supported to more systematically study producers, and it is expected to contribute to the development of the 1th industry, a basis for the successful 6th industry. Moreover, the central government and municipalities are expected to provide a variety of clues for applying various policies for successful agribusiness.

East Asian Journal of Business Economics