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  • E-ISSN2288-2766
  • KCI

Vol.2 No.2

Tarika Singh(Alumni PIMG, India.) ; Seema Mehta(Assistant Professor) ; Aditya Saxena(Alumni PIMG) ; Rakhi Sikarwar(Alumni PIMG) pp.24-36 https://doi.org/10.13106/eajbe.2014.vol2.no2.24.

This study bridges the gap between management accounting, CG and entrepreneurship disciplines. Unlike previous studies, this study adopts a positivist approach to develop a contingency framework of CG that operationalises the conformance and performance dimensions into measurable constructs. The contingency framework also adopts a holistic approach that investigates the interrelationships between VBM, CG and CE, as important predictors of organizational performance, which can provide insights into the complementary or conflicting relationships among these predictors in their effects on organizational performance.

Jalil Khaksar(Islamic Azad University) ; Mahdi Salehi(Ferdowsi University of Mashhad) ; Elahe Torabi(Islamic Azad University) pp.37-47 https://doi.org/10.13106/eajbe.2014.vol2.no2.pp.37-47

Purpose – In this study, it is attempted to examine the Islamic banking practice in Iran based on new scientific methods. Design/methodology/approach- It is used the financial ratios demonstrating healthy or non-healthy of banks to assess the financial health of listed banks in Tehran Stock Exchange. The assessment of these ratios with use of decision tree as a non-parametric method for modeling is recommended for presenting this model. Information about the financial health of banks could be effective on the decisions of different groups of banks’ financial reports users, including shareholders, auditors, stock exchange, central bank and etc. Findings – the results of the study show that Decision Tree is strong approach in order to classifying Islamic banks in Iran. Originality/value- So far, several studies have been conducted in various countries on the topic of this study. Considering the importance Islamic banking, it is almost the first study in Iran and the outcomes of the study may helpful to Iranian economy.

Katta Ashok Kumar(Saveetha University, Chennai.) ; Bala Nageswara Rao(SaveethaUniversity) pp.48-52 https://doi.org/10.13106/eajbe.2014.vol2.no2.pp.48-52

In this paper we will observe the critical impact of the changing lifestyles and advancements in various fields of life. Terms like stress, anxiety, hyper tensions are now a days are being commonly associated with today’s living patterns. Stress levels are demonstrating a very positive trend across all the demographic profiles of India. Youth is the soft target of this fatal movement. Indian youth is unable to face the challenges of demanding lives and is falling easy prey to the circumstances. There is a steep rise in youth suicide cases all across India.

Mahdi Khorvash(Islamic Azad University,Iran) pp.53-57 https://doi.org/10.13106/eajbe.2014.vol2.no2.pp.53-57

Persuasive emotion advertising has great effect on attention and motivation . The using of negative emotions has been an interest in consumer psychology and advertising. This is because emotions place impact on consumers, attention and decision making. Emotions are also believed to cretin evoke brand name from memory. This paper presents the evidence for the impact of negative emotions by comparing then greater with positive emotions advertising.

Lok Tak Ming, Jafy(Institute of Corporate Directors, Philip) pp.58-67 https://doi.org/10.13106/eajbe.2014.vol2.no2.58-67.

If we compare the GDP per Capita for the last 20 years between Philippines and other ASEAN countries, Philippines remains in the lowest on GDP per Capita. This paper is trying to find out the possible reasons for the low growth rate of the GDP per Capita in the Philippines. 53 years data from the World Bank are used explore the relationships between the GDP per Capita and eight economic indicators to run three time series models and one to one regression. Three indicators, namely, consumer price index, gross capital formation as a percentage of GDP and population are remarked with possible contribution to the low growth rate of the GDP per capita of the Philippines.

East Asian Journal of Business Economics