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  • E-ISSN2288-2766
  • KCI

Influence of Perceived Quality, Price, Risk, and Brand Image on Perceived Value for Smartphone’s Consumers in a Developing Country

East Asian Journal of Business Economics / East Asian Journal of Business Economics, (E)2288-2766
2018, v.6 no.3, pp.37-47
Sourou Essono Samadou
Kim, Gyubae (Daejoen University)


Purpose - investigate the major determinants of consumer decision making for smartphone’s consumers in a developing country in Africa especially in Gabon. Analysis of Perceived Quality, Perceived Price, Perceived Risk, Brand Image, Perceived Value, and Purchase Intention. Research design, data, and methodology - In order to proceed the empirical research, online survey was done via email and social media network and data was collected from 289 random respondent. Therefore, to assess the reliability, the validity and test hypothesis Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21 was used. Results - After data collection and analysis, results have proved that brand image, perceived price does influence perceived quality, and perceived quality negatively influence perceived risk. The results also shows perceived risk along with brand image, perceived price and quality could not influence perceived value. The findings also indicate that perceived value slightly influence purchase intentions. Conclusions - The results of the study show that it is essential to develop an understanding of value in the purchasing process. This study should also provide a glimpse to both marketers and manufacturers about consumers’ perceptions towards smartphones.

Smartphone, Perceived Quality, Perceived Price, Perceived Risk, Brand Image, Perceived Value, Purchase Intention.



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East Asian Journal of Business Economics