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Usage of two number systems in addition problems


Excluding the Arabic number system, Korea has two number systems. When Koreans count things or verbalize numbers they use the Hangul system( hana, dul, set,...) and when they read a number or use written language they use the Hanza (il, yee, sam...)system. This study examines the usage of these two number systems in addition problems. The addition problems were investigated with first, second and third grade students of an elementary school. The addition problems consisted of various types (Arabic number, Hangul and Hanza system). The scores of the addition problems were analyzed. The existence of conversion from the Hangul or the Hanza systems to Arabic numbers during the calculation was examined. In answering, which type of number systems prefered was checked too. The result indicates that there was no grade effect on addition problems but there were significant problem type effect and problem type and grade interaction effects. As expected, Arabic number type resulted in the highest score among the problem types. With the Hangul system, first grade students' scores were higher than other grades. Incidence of conversion from the Hangul or the Hanza system to Arabic number decresed as the grade level increased. Arabic numbers were used most for the solutions to the problems and the rate of the Hangul or the Hanza system being used for answers decreased as the grade level increased. These results indicate that even though the number concept increased as the grade level increased, the usage of the Hangul or the Hanza system are inhibiting. In follow up studies, the analysis of errers in addition problems will provide more detailed characteristics of the Hangul or the Hanza system.

