open access
메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
This study was examined to explore the difference of age and gender in self-efficacy, moral disengagement, and antisocial behavior. A total of 1191 students were administered multifaceted questionnaires measuring self-efficacy (Bandura, 1997), moral disengagement (Bandura, Barbaranelli, Caprara, & Pastorelli, 1996) and antisocial conduct (Kwak, 1995). A principal components factor analysis with varimax orthogonal rotation revealed a five factor structures in self-efficacy scale and a three factor structures in moral disengagement scale. The difference of age and gender were revealed in the subdomains of self-efficacy, moral justification and antisocial behavior. 'Self-regulatory efficacy' was the most influential factor into antisocial behavior. In compared with other research the results of this study were detaily explained and discussed.
This study was devised to compare low income with middle class families for their effects on the emotional and behavioural problems of Korean preschool children. Five hundred and nine children were assessed by teachers using the Preschool Behaviour Checklist (PBCL). Children from low income families showed more problems than those from middle class families. Based on this result, parenting styles were considered as mediating variables for the preschool children's problems. Parenting styles were assessed by the Parental Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire (PARQ). The results showed that the difference in preschool children's emotional and behavioural problems was due to differences in parenting styles, which were attributable to the two family classes. Parents from low income families showed more rejecting parenting styles that is, they showed less warmth/affection and more neglect/indifference in their parenting styles. Family class had an influence on preschool children's emotional and behavioural problems directly as well as on parenting style which in turn influenced preschool children's emotional and behavioural problems.
This research was conducted to explore the relationship between rock music preference and antisocial behavior. The subject were male and female adolescents from 6th grade at primary school to first grade at college in Korea. Based on their preference on music, respondents were categorized as Rock/metal preference group(n=133, min age=16.4), Dance group(N=446, mean age=14.7), Ballad group(N=500, mean age=15.7). In addition, 79 adolescents who work in Rock bands or a member of fanclub of Rock bands were sampled as Rock Band(mean age =16.8). The Korean version of Sensation Seeking Scale(SSS-K: Zuckerman et al., 1978: Park et al., 1995) was used to measure sensation seeking motivation. To measure antisocial behavior, Antisocial Behavior Checklist(AHC: Kwak & Moon, 1995) was used. the results are as follows: Among the 4 different music preference group, Rock band and Rock/metal group reported highest ABC score. Rockband group reported high scores at items shout serious delinquency, and Rock/Metal and Rockband group reported more light delinquency than others. SSS-K score was also high at Rockband and Rock/metal group, especially at experience seeking, disinhibition, and thrill & adventure seeking subscales, The Rockband group members would be considered as more committed and exposed to rock music, so this result means that the generally accepted idea of rock music as an antisocial subculture is somewhat true, But when Rockband group was excluded, the main effect of music preference on antisocial behavior was not significant without the covariance of sensation seeking motivation. This results indicated that the relationship between rock music preference and antisocial behavior would be mediated by sensation seeking motivation. The implication of this result in adolescent's rock music preference were discussed.
This study examined the taxonomic assumption in word learning 3- to 5-year-old korean hearing and hearing impaired children who have not yet learned the sign language. Each subject was assigned to the novel word condition or the no word condition. Each child was presented with a target picture and two choices, one of which belonged to the same category as the target and the other were thematically related to the target. In the novel word condition, the labels of the target pictures were taught orally to the normal hearing children. In contrast, to the hearing impaired children, labels were taught visually with the stickers on which the labels were written. The result of this experiment revealed that novel labels prompted both the hearing and hearing impaired children to attend to the categorical relation, even in the presence of thematic picture. This result suggests that the taxonomic assumption is a cognitive constraint in word learning which operates in children who have normal oral language experiences and who have abnormal language experiences.
This study examined young children's attention and comprehension when viewing television programs designed for them The television programs varied in format (live vs. animated) and pace (low vs. high). Children aged 4, 6 and 8 year olds. And they watched four kinds of young children's television programs combined with format (live vs. animated) and pace (low vs. high) which are all magazine-style(low continuity) programs. The main results are as follows: First, the children's attention and comprehension were significantly higher when viewing animated than live. Second, children's attention did not differ between low-paced and high-paced programs but their comprehension was significantly better at low-paced than high-paced programs. Third, there was positive correlation between children's attention and comprehension after language comprehension was controlled. Children showed negative correlation between language comprehension and attention to television but showed positive correlation between language comprehension and comprehension of television content.
The purpose of this study is to make a scale of preschool children's daily stress. In order to produce a scale, in free question and answer type, asked six hundred(600) three to six age children, seven hundred thirty two parents(732), and forty seven(47) teachers including directors at five kindergarten and four children houses in Seoul about the situation of preschool children's stress. Total two thousand three hundred and forty five(2,345) responses were collected. Based on the data, classified suspected items into one hundred and two(102) items and through twenty-nine(29) professional's valuation(7 point scale) and content validity, reorganized the items into sixty-five(65). For the 65 items, requested drawings to a professional in area of child drawings far each item. In order to review its propriety as a test tool and validity of expression, commented by six professionals and proceeded pilot study twice subject to twenty(20) kindergarten children. Based on six professionals' opinion, children's response from the pilot study, and six kindergarten teachers and two parents' opinion, the drawings were revised three times. After ready far the test, printed the drawings as test tools and executed main study subject to three- hundred(300) children in three to six age. Far the item discrimination analysis, item-total correlation calculated and deleted the items which is under r=.25. Far the review of validity, analyzed content validity and construct validity. Construct validity was tested by factor analysis, after the result, three factors, such as, 'anxiety-frustration', 'self-respect loosing', 'facing aggressive-blame situation' were produced. Reliability of the scale was produced by Cronbach's α coefficient After the result, total reliability coefficient is α=.87, and a coefficient of each item is .80, .75, .72, respectively. This study is meaningful since the preschool children's stress scale development has nat studied in Korea yet and far the validity review, continuous research was required and discussed.
This study was carried out to investigate that underlying mental operations of the use discounting (and augmentation) principles are special kinds of additive (and subtrad abilities as reverse operations (x+a=b -> x=b-a: x-a=b -> x=b+a). In study, three-year- to five-year-old children were asked to make a solution quantity, math, and attribution problems. Six kinds of math problems (simple addition, a+ simple subtraction, a-b=?: adding amount, a+?=b: subtracting amount, a-?=b: added amount ?+a=b: subtracted amount, ?-a=b), two kinds of quantity problems (tee using clay and the other using water) which treat added quantity arcs subtracted quantity, and two kinds attribution problems (discounting and augmentation) were administrated. Major findings study oars as follows: (1) Adding and subtraction seem to be developed simultaneously discounting and augmentation principles appear to be used at the same time. (2) Over half the three- or four-year-old children and almost all the five- or six-year-old children use discounting and augmentation principle. (3) Results support the hyphothesis that opera of added or subtracted amount is underlying operation for the use of discounting augmentation principle.
Excluding the Arabic number system, Korea has two number systems. When Koreans count things or verbalize numbers they use the Hangul system( hana, dul, set,...) and when they read a number or use written language they use the Hanza (il, yee, sam...)system. This study examines the usage of these two number systems in addition problems. The addition problems were investigated with first, second and third grade students of an elementary school. The addition problems consisted of various types (Arabic number, Hangul and Hanza system). The scores of the addition problems were analyzed. The existence of conversion from the Hangul or the Hanza systems to Arabic numbers during the calculation was examined. In answering, which type of number systems prefered was checked too. The result indicates that there was no grade effect on addition problems but there were significant problem type effect and problem type and grade interaction effects. As expected, Arabic number type resulted in the highest score among the problem types. With the Hangul system, first grade students' scores were higher than other grades. Incidence of conversion from the Hangul or the Hanza system to Arabic number decresed as the grade level increased. Arabic numbers were used most for the solutions to the problems and the rate of the Hangul or the Hanza system being used for answers decreased as the grade level increased. These results indicate that even though the number concept increased as the grade level increased, the usage of the Hangul or the Hanza system are inhibiting. In follow up studies, the analysis of errers in addition problems will provide more detailed characteristics of the Hangul or the Hanza system.
To investigate whether the self-related variables, self-image and self-esteem, mediate the relation between attachment and psychosis, attachment styles to mothers and fathers in high school female adolescents were measured and paranoia, psychasthenia and schizophrenia scales among MMPI subscales were used. Covariance structure analysis confirmed the self-image is the mediating variable in the relation between attachment and psychosis. It is concluded that attachments to caregiver in infancy influence to later psychosis by way of self-image. Results were discussed in terms of epigenetic principles of Erik Erikson.
This study examined the relationship between negative emotional response and memory in children. The subjects were 52 kindergarterners and the mean age of them was 5 years and 8 months. A writing task was presented to each subject. The task which seemed to be very tedious to children consisted of rewriting the sentences which a child's own mother made and wrote, and the task lasted about 20 minutes. The children's responses during the rewriting the sentences were videotaped and coded in terms of five categories per one minute from the weakest emotional response as one and the strongest emotional response as five. Twenty subjects showed almost no negative emotional behavior. To compare with these children, 20 subjects who showed strong negative emotional response from the strongest in order. A memory task was given to all the subjects as soon as they finished the rewriting the sentences. The memory task was that a child's own mother read a picture story telling book to the child and asked a question about the story. As a result, it was found that the recall scores of the children who showed strong negative emotional response were significantly higher than the scores of the children who showed almost no negative emotional response. It was suggested that this result could be interpreted in terms of these theoretical approach.
The first purpose of this study is to examine the concordance between infant's attachment path and mother's state of mind with respect to attachment to her own parents. The second purpose is t re-examine the distribution of infant attachment patterns and compare this result with the resu preceding study. The third purpose is to examine the distribution of adult's state of mind with re: to attachment. The subject of this research were 30 infant-mother dyads. The infants were 12-25 months old The infant's patterns of attachment were classified with the Strange Situation. The Adult Attachment Interview was used for calssifying the adult's state of mind with respect to attachment. The result of this study were as follows: 1. Among 30 infants, 57% were calssified as secure(B group), 3% were classified a anxious-avoidant(A group), 27% were classified as anxious-resistant(C group) and 13% were classified as disorganized-disoriented(D group). This distribution is different from Ainsworth's and proce study in Korea because C group is reported higher that A group. 2. Among 30 adults, 47% were classified as autonomous(F group), 10% were classified as dismissing(Ds group), 33% were classified as preoccupied(E group) and 10% were classified t unresolved-disorganized(Ud group). This distribution is aiso different from Main's because E grou] reported higher than D group. 3. Exact A/B/C/D and Ds/E/F/Ud agreement was observed in 20 of 30 dyads(67%). In 21 of 30 families(70%), the correspondence between autonomous mother attachment and secure infant attachment and nonautonomous mother attachment and insecure infant attachment was observed. This study confirmed that the adult's state of mind with respect to attchment could affect infant's attachment pattern.