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ISSN : 1229-0718
The Purpose of this study was to investigate the ability of autistic subjects to use the human face as a source of information. So two examinations were conducted to test the effect of facial perception and emotional reception on respondent time and recognizable ability. The stbuects were 20 autistic children. They were 18 males and 2 females, and the mean age was 5-7 years. At examination 1, a 2(familiarity : familiar, unfamiliar) x 2(complexity : 3 pieces, 5 pieces) x 2(configuration : normal, scrambled) factorial design was used. At examination 2, a 2(familiarity : familiar, unfamiliar) x 4(expression of emotion : smaile, cry, angry, suprise) factorial design was used. Both of the dates were analyzed by MANOVA with repeated measures. The results of this study were as follows : At examination 1, the significant effects of all three factors were observed. The effects presented that autistic subjects did utilize some aspect of the photographs of face as a source of information. As the result, the respondent times un assembly of normally configured faces and familiar faces were faster than those in assembly of scrambled faces and unfaliliar faces. At examination 2, there were on significant difference among four expressions of emotion and between the cases of person. It was showed that autistic subjects had difficulty in recognizing how different expression of particular emotions are associated with each other, and that this might contribute to their failure to understand the emotional states of other people. To clarity the obtained results, it is necessary to more extensive study to address issues of use in facial interaction.
This study was concerned with the function of preceding information on momory about a target story. The subject were divided 3 levels-2, 4, 6 graders-according to developmental stages. The major findings of this research were as follows : Experiment 1 shows that the effect of preceding information was increased with age being higher. Especially the amount of recall increased sharply in 6th graders. This result implied the role of preceding information was more efficient in older ages. But even the younger children could use the preceding information in remembering a target story. In experiment 2, it was evident that the more information could influence, the better information processing. Such an effect of quantitative aspects in preceding information was observed in the all of three age groups. Also the effect of qualitative characteristics of pre-information was identified in experiment 3. The result showed that the preceding information with higher qualitative value made more contribution to effective information processing. This tendency seemed to be more robust with age being higher. The overall results of 3 experiments indicated that pre-information had a clear effect on memory about a target story. But such an effect of pre-information could be varied by quantitative and qualitative characteristics of pre-information as well as developmental stages.
This study is aimed at investigating the impulsive or aggressive children's cognitive characteristics on the basis of the Social Information Processing Model(Dodge, 1987) by 2(level of impulsivity) ×2(level of aggressiveness) factorial design. For the preliminary subject screening, 384 children in the fifth or sixth grade were rated by the peers for aggressiveness, and then 150 children classified as aggressive or non-aggressive children were tested by MFFT for impulsivity measures. Ninty-five children(66 males and 29 females) were selected as final subjects for experiment. There was no difference in causal attributions and the interpretations of the peer's intent between aggressive and non-aggressive children, and between impulsive and non-impulsive children. However, comparing with that of the non-aggressive children, the behavioral responses of the aggressive children were more predictable form those two traits. While there were no differences in both aggressive and non-aggressive alternatives between impulsive and non-impulsive children, the aggressive children tended to have more aggressive alternatives and had less non-aggressive alternatives than the non--aggressive children. And, the aggressive children selected more aggressive behaviors as response than non-aggressive children and the impulsive children did so than nonimpulsive children. There was also an interaction between impulsivity and aggressiveness in behavioral response. That is, aggressive/impulsive children selected more aggressive responses than children assigned to the three other conditions, and there were no differences among three conditions.
There were two propose underlying this study : One purpose was to compare the developmental profile and the sensorimotor functioning of autistic children and mental retarded children. A second purpose was to compair the correlations between Uzigiris Hunt subscales. Subjects wers 8 children with Autism(23m.∼42m., M=34m.) and 9 children with Mental retardation(20m.~58m., M=42m.). The developmental test is consist of 7 subscales : gross motor, fine motor, self help, social, cognition, receptive language, expressive language. Uzigiris Hunt developmental scale is consist of 7 subscales : object permanence, mean-end, vocal imitation, gestural imitation, causality, object relations in space, development of schemes. The findings are below. 1. There was no significant difference in developmental test profile(except gross motor scale) and no difference in Uzigiris Hunt scale profile. 2. The cornelations between Uzigiris subscales are different in two groups. 3. Vocal imitation and gestuaral imitation are the more poorly in two groups.
This study investigated the effects of the goodness-of-fit between adolescent`s temperament and their parents` demands on social competence, the perception of social relationships and on their psychological well-being with samples of 289 male and 250 female high school students. Mediator variable models were specified via path analyses. Among male adolescents, LISREL analyses indicated that significant paths existed between the fit score of Approach/Withdrawal and social competence, between the fit score of Rhythmicity-eating and the perception of social relationships, and between the perception of social relationships and depressive symptoms. In the case of female adolescents, there were significant paths between the fit score of Approach/Withdrawal and social competence, between the fit score of Rhythmicity-eating and depressive symptoms, and between Approach/Withdrawal and depressive symptoms. For both male and female adolescents, there were significant negative correlations between social competence and the perception of social relationships. Overall, the findings were supportive of the contributory role of temperamental goodness-of-fit in the prediction of mental health for adolescents.
We examined how 5-year-olds and adults projected animal properties to animals. Subjects were asked to project animal properties from person, monkey or bee to person, mammals, birds, fishes, insects, and worms. Three kinds of animal properties were used ; Properties of all animals (e.g.eating), property of specific animals (thinking, making honey, etc.), and unknown property (having an internal organ called "popo" inside). Both 5-year-olds and adults projected eating to many animals, but they did not project the properties of specific animals to other animals. This suggests that both age groups of subjects know the difference between these two kinds of animal properties. In contrast, subjects projected the unknown property according to the similarity to the animal which were told to have the property. In addition, when the person was told to have the unknown property, 5-year-olds did not project the property to other animals. However they projected the property to other animals much more when the monkey were told to have the property. This suggests that for 5-year-olds, the monkey is the prototypical member of the animals and the person is a somewhat differentiated kind from other animals.
The major purpose of this study is to explore the basic mechanism of the aggression script by the aggressive films. This script will function in different ways between the aggressive and the no-aggressive subjects. The number of subjects are 117 fifth grade pupils and 113 high school juniors. The aggressive group and non-aggressive group are classified in terms of the two criteria ; self-rating scores and ratings by their teachers. An edited aggressive film of 9 minutes long was presented in the aggressive film condition, and landscape of tourism film was presented for the non-aggressive film conditions. Then three ambiguous situations were used as response stimuli and the subjects are arranged to judge the intention of the other party in the situation, and to produce the most available and effective alternatives. The experimental design is 2(film)×2(age of the subjects)×2(degree of aggressiveness) between subject design. The characteristics and the contents of the aggressive script in the children and adolescents were measured and analyzed. In the adolescents group, the more aggressive the subjects were, the more diverse patterns of aggressive behavior they produced. The responses were classified and the older the subjects are, the more responses in the personal and physical aggression, verbal aggression, aggression against the things and materials, and in the aggressive posture and facial expression. And also the aggressive subjects demonstrated more non-specific aggressive responses. This implies that comparing with the non-aggressive subjects, the aggressive subjects have richer aggressive script.
This study examined the developmental tendencies of self-monitoring level and sex-role type by age. The subjects consisted of 232 students, who were composed of middle school students(195) in early adolescence and college students(95) in late adolescence. The subjects completed SMS(Self-Monitoring Scale) and KSRI(Korean Sex Role Inventory). Based on median splits, subjects were classified as androgynous, masculine, feminine, and undifferentiated. The results were as follows:There was a significant difference in self-monitoring scores of middle school students and college students(p<.001).In the sex-role types, chi-square test yielded a significant difference(p<.05). And there was a significant difference in self-monitoring scores of four sex role types(P<.o5). The self-monitor-ing scones of androgyny were higher than those of three groups(masculine, feminine, undifferentiated).
This study attempts to explore whether explicit or implicit negative evidence plays a role in Korean language acquisition. It analyzes a longitudinal production data form tow Korean children whose age ranges from 2 ; 0 to 3 ; 5. The four types of syntactic error that most frequently occur in our data are tabulated ; 1) overgeneralization error in nominative case-marking pattern in Korean. 2) the wrongly inserted the complimetizer 'ke'. 3) several morphological errors with regard to the complement construction or inflectional elements. 4) the word order of negative constructions. There are two kinds of criterion for the analysis. Maternal responses that followed the child's sentences are asigned to one of the following 8 categories ; 1) Exact Repetition 2) Contrated Repetition 3) Expanded repetition 4) Corrective Recast 5) Confirmation Question 6) Topic Continuation 7) No Response 8) Explicit Response. The listed responses expet Explicit response may by considered as an implicit negative evidence. The child's response in the utterance preceded by the adult's response is coded into one of the 4 categories ; 1) Imitation of the adult's target 2) Repetition for original child sentence 3) Topic continuation 4) No Response. The overall results are as follows ; 1) Neither explicit negative evidence nor implicit negative evidence does not play any role in Korean language acquisition. 2) Although there are small number of audit's corrections on the children's grammatical error, children never notice them at all. The results suggest that the language acquisition preceeds on a schedule of some innate constraints rather than the negative evidence.
This paper examined three major approaches in moral development and proposed the new paredigm, an interpretive developmental approach. Social learning theory has been less useful in accounting for the development of both behavior and self-regulatory systems, neglecting affect-related concepts in the context of moral action. The freudian model is recognized as severely limiting when applied to the totality of mental life. Kohlberg's work based on cognitive-development theory lacks any necessary connection with moral action and overlooks human feelings. Even though these three approaches differ in their method and view of morality, they are basically adhered to the same paradigm. They regard mind and body belonged to two parallel but fundamentally different realm and adopt the empirical method. Moral development are not the results of solitary construction by individusl minds but are organized by the social interchange that people are contrantly engaged activity, and as motivated by a search for meaningfulness and fluency in practical action.
As a preliminary study to extend the parameters related with adolescence egocentrism, the present study investigated the relationship of self-mornitoring, introspectiveness, and ego-identity with the adolescence egocentrism. A total of 304 Korean boys from the age of 13 to 19 age were asked to answer the adolescence egocentrism scale, the self-monitoring scale, the introspectiveness scale, and the measure of psychological development scale. The results showed that the adolescence egocentrism was the highest for the 16 years old boys, which is not consistent with the results of the previous studies. In self-monitoring, any developmental difference was not found, which does not also agree with the results of Lapsley et al.(1988), and the introspectiveness increased with age, which rejects the hypothesis of Hansell et al.(1986). The multiple regression analysis of the ego-identity and the adolescence egocentrism showed that the adolescence egocentrism decreased and the identity is more achieved and so the role confusion is less and as isolation is less, the intimacy is higher, and the resolution of intimacy vs. isolation is higher. These present results suggest that the parameters of the adolescence egocentrism should be extended to the variables related with the adolescence developmental tasks in the area of ego development and social development as well as those of the cognitive development.
The present study investigated the association amount the adolescent egocentrism, the separation-individuation process, and the role-taking development. The New Imaginary Audience Scale(NIAS) and the New Personal Fable Scale(NPFS) were used to measure the adolescent egocentrism. The SITA(separation-individuation test for adolescents), which consists of 4 subscale : separation anxiety(SA), engulfmnet anxiety(EA), need denial(ND and practicing mirroring (PM) were also used. The Role taking ability test(RAT) was administered to measure the role-taking level. Among the 6 different age groups of 657 male prspondents, form the 6th grader of elementary school(meal age=12) to college freshmen(mean age=20), NIAS and NPFS score were the highest at the elementary schoolboy and the college student group. The scores of SA, ND, and PM have significantly positive relationships with those of NIAS and NPFS. The differences of NIAS and NPFS between role-taking level groups, however, were not significant. The results of multiple regression analysis show that adolescent egocentrism was explained by PM and SA. These results had partially supported the main hypothesis that the adolescent egocentrism is a phenomenon reflection the sepration-individuation process and the role taking ability development. Implications of this study were discussed with the 'New Look' approach, which was proposed by Lapsley and his collegues. The results of the present study suggests that adolescent egocentrism could be understood more effectively by ontogenetic perspective rather than cognitive developmental one.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between preschooler's efficacy predictions and causal attributions, to examine whether their efficacy predictions in achievement situations reflected their confidence about capabilities of task performance. Subjects consisted of 39 boys and 29 girls, 5 and 6 years old(M=5 years and 11 months). Measures about three variables representing efficacy determinants were administered. Those measured were predictions of outcome, confidence in that prediction, and competence in task performance. Following the performance outcome, preschoolers were asked to indicate on a 4-point scale their perceptions of how well they had performed the task. Results indicated that preschooler's efficacy predictions were found to be significantly related to causal attributions. High efficacious preschoolers tended to make stable and controllable attributions for their success, whereas low efficacious preschoolers contributed their success to variable factors. Self-efficacy cognition was also significantly related to self-evaluation perceptions of performance success. Children who perceived their success and personal accomplishments as being due to their own efficacy predictions appeared likely to perceive their performance as being relatively invariant over time and under their personal control. These results constitute some evidence that preschooler's efficacy predictions play on important role in shaping their causal attributions.
Free word associations to forty-eight category terms were secured from 340 Korean school children in the second, fourth, and sixth grades. Two forms of tests were prepared, each of them was given to about the half of the subjects at each grade level. one was composed of 8 superordinate and subordinate terms, and 16 supplementary subordinate terms, and the ocher was composed of the corresponding subordinate, superordinate, and the same supplementary ones. The stimulus worlds were presented at a rate of 20 seconds both orally and visually, during which the subjects were allowed to write down any words they think of. The first responses to each stimulus and the proportions of children generating them were provided by grade. It was suggested that the data would be useful for research on cognitive development.