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Vol.12 No.1

Development of social information processing (III): Children with ADHD
Keumjoo Kwak(Osan College) ; Minhwa Kim(Sungkunkwan Univ.) pp.1-13

The purpose of this study was to explore the social information processing of children with ADHD. The total number of subjects were 48 (24 children of ADHD and normal). 4 pictures of the ambiguous situation was used as response stimuli and the responses of the subjects were scored. Each 2 pictures were situation of entry and provocation. They were presented with pictures and explanation by experimenter. Their parents answered the K-CBCL. The design was 2(group) X 2(age) X 2(situation). As results, there was significant effect of group in the recall, cue detection, response generation and evaluation. In addition, the correlations of subdomain of CBCL and social information processing were found. The results of this study were discussed and the following study was suggested.

Sociomoral Judgment in Korean Children and Adolescents : A developmental Seguence for understading Honesty and Kindness
Kyung Hee Kim(Department of Child & Family Studies Yonsei University) pp.14-24

The purposes of this study were 1) to examine the development of children's and adolescents' reasoning about sociomoral dilemmas, and 2) to determine the relation between honesty and kindness of sociomoral judgment to story solution. 2 dilemma stories for assessing development of understanding relations between honesty and kindness were administered to 300 children and 231 adolescents. The data were analyzed through content analysis, and chi-squares were applied to examine grades- and gender differences. The results showed significant grades- and gender differences in sociomoral judgment. Children's reasoning tented to be stereotyped, approval and interpersonally oriented. Stereotyped judgments of interpersonally ar approval-oriented reasoning(honesty) deceased in frequency with age, whereas judgments reflecting internalized values (social lie as kindness) increased in use with age. Since this study was explanatory in nature, implications of the results and further research were discussed and suggested.

Construct Validation of Young Children's Emotional Intelligence
Kyung Hee Kim(Dept. of Child and Family Studies Yonsei University) ; Kyoung Hoe Kim(Dept. of Early Childhood Education Kimchun College) pp.25-38

The purposes of this study were to investigate the construct validity and reliability , and to analyze the relationships of children's emotional intelligence with temperament, and cognitive ability. For the study, 973 children were participated. They were 3-6 year olds selected from 8 kindergartens located in Kumi, Chungju, Kimchon. Three instruments were used; 'Emotional Intelligence Rating Scale for Preschool Children(EIRSPC)' developed by the researcher, 'Temperament Rating Scale(Chun, 1992)', and 'Multidimensional Cognitive Abilities Test for Children(Sung et al., 1995)'. The statistical analysis include reliability tests, and factor analysis were used. Pearson's correlations were used to find out relationships of children's emotional intelligence with temperament, and cognitive ability. The results from this study were as follows : Six factors of children's emotional intelligence were identified. These were 'utilization of emotion, 'empathy', 'appraisal and expression of self emotion', 'regulation of emotion , 'relationship between child and teachei , and 'relationship with peers'. Children's emotional intelligence score were significantly related with three temperament factors. Children's emotional intelligence were positively related with the 'physiological responses', and 'positive child's emotional responses'. In contrast children's emotional intelligence were negatively related with the 'active responses'. Children's emotional intelligence score were positively related with cognitive ability, especially, 'inference ability', 'perceptivity', 'creativity' 'problems solving', and 'originality in thinking'. Cronbach a of the scale ranged from .95 - 96. The range of inter-racers reliability was .75 - .99 for the total scale, , and test-retest reliability were .87, and .89, which were considered good.

Acquiring proper and category names: Semantic constraints on word meaning
Hei-Rhee Ghim(Department of Psychology Chungbuk National University) pp.39-53

These studies have studied the process in which the noun-category bias and semantic constraints interact when 3- and 4-year-olds arid adults learn category names and proper names. Subjects learned a novel name for a familiar/unfamiliar animal or a familiar/unfamiliar artifact. Subjects inted the novel name as a category name (Exp. 1). Subjects made category name interpretation evens when the individuality of the members of a category had been enhanced (Exp. 2). The results evidenced the noun-category bias. However, when the novel name was applied to an object along with its category name, subjects who learned the name for an animal made more proper name interpretation than children who learned the name for an artifact The results suggest that word learners first rely on the noun-category bias, and then rely on the semantic cue that certain kinds are more likely to have proper names, if there is any information that the word is not a category name.

A Study on the Misleading Questions in Children's Testimony
Ja Kyung Park(Dept. of Psychology, Chungbuk National University) ; Seungbok Lee(Dept. of Psychology, Chungbuk National University) pp.54-71

Historically there has been a bias against relying on testimony provided by children. This view is based on a belief that young children are especially vulnerable to misleading questions. Moreover it has been considered that children are susceptible to misleading postevent informations. This study examined the effect of misleading questions in children's testimony. In experiment 1 children(5 year olds)were presented with misleading questions and nonmisleading questions about what they experienced. Results showed that children in misleading condition made more biased responses. Children who heard the misleading questions focused on new information considering given information as a matter of fact, so they made more errors. Experiment 2 examined the effect of the misleading postevent informations in children's report. Children(5 year olds) were given misleading and nonmisleading questions(information) after the event. On a retest two day later they were asked about the event again. The results of this experiment revealed that children who had received misleading questions report the biased answers. These results showed that misleading questions had a large impact on children's report. The results from two experiments were discussed within the content of investigations and the associated psychological implication.

The development of thematic organization and taxonomic organization by classification behavior and semantic priming effects in Korean and Japanese preschooler and colleger
Hyunran Sung(Catholic University of Taegu-Hyosung) ; Ryozo Yukawa(Osaka City University) pp.72-90

The first purpose of this study was to investigate the order of thematic organization and taxonomic organization. The second purpose was to investigate the strength of link of thematic and taxonomic knowledge. In experiment 1, The multi-dimensionnal sorting method was used to investigate the development of conceptual organization for 4-year-old Korean children. The degree of difficulty of this multi-dimensional method was lowered. The result was that thematic organization was developed earlier than taxonomic organization. In experiment 2, that the effect of priming stimulus was compared which is related to target stimulus thematically or taxonomically in Korean and Japanese 5-year-old children and colleger. The correct response rate of relatedness for thematic pair was higher than taxonomic pair in both of Korean and Japanese preschooler, but neither in Korean and Japanese colleger. The reaction time was not significantly different judging the relatedness regarding thematic pair and taxonomic pair in both of Korean and Japanese preschooler and colleger. The results of second experiment suggest that the strength of the link of thematic pair is not stronger than taxonomic pair nevertheless of the earlier development of thematic knowledge in preschooler.

Analysis of the role of peer collaboration and speech types in categorization task performances in early childhood
Seung-Hee Son(Dept. of Child Development and Family Studies Seoul National University) ; Soon-Hyung Yi(Dept. of Child Development and Family Studies Seoul National University) pp.91-102

The major purpose of this study is to investigate the children's categorization task performances according to pea collaboration condition(real/imaginary/no-peer condition) and their speech types focusing on the relationships between children's speech types which are induced by peer collaboration conditions and their task performances. Subjects consisted of one hundred and twenty-six, 5- and 7-year-old children in Seoul. Results indicate that there were significant differences in children's categorization task performances between real-peer condition and no-peer condition, but partly significant differences between imaginary-peer condition and other conditions. There were significant correlation between some speech types and categorization task performances, and these correlated speech types represented significant differences according to peer collaboration condition. These results varied depending on age and 7-year-olds showed higher task performances and uttered more performance-related, contributable speech types as well. This provided some evidence that there are relations abort speech type, peer collaboration condition, and task performance, so children who performed categorization task in collaboration with real/imaginary peer can show higher scores by uttering more contributable types of speech than those who performed alone, and this relation varies according to age.

The relationship of childhood Psychopathology and maternal Adult Attachment Interview
Kyung Sook Lee(Speech & hearing center Ewha womans University) ; Yee Jin Shin(Dept. of Psychiatry Yonsei University) ; Hae Yean Kim(Dept. of Psychology Ewha womans University) pp.103-115

Knowledge of materner state of mind with respect to attachment, may provide insight into etiology or maintenance of problematic parent-child interaction and development of Child Psychology. The Subjects of this study were 26, 29-96 month old children referred to a child psychiatric clinic-mother dyads and 26, 44-78 month old normal comparison children-mother days. Maternal state of mind with respect to attachment was assessed by the AAI(Adult Attachment Interview, 1985). The results of this study are as follows : Among clinic children`s tethers; 3.8% were classified as autonomous(F), 26.9% were classified as dismissing(Ds), 19.2% were classified as preoccupied(E) and 50% were classified as unresolved/disorganized(U/d). Among normal children's mothers, 50% were classified as autonomous(F), 20,8% were classified as dismissing(Ds), 16.7 were classified as preoccupied(E) and 12.5% were classified as unresolved/disorganized(U/d). In particular, Unresolved/disorganized maternal attachment were overrepresented in the clinic group. This distribution is quite similar to van Ijzender's meta analytic results(1996)

The Application of a Dynamic Theory to the Developmantal Psychology
Sook-Ja Cho(Department of Psychology Ewha Woman's University) pp.116-128

This study introduced the dynamic theory and examined it's suggestions to the developmental psychology. The dynamic theory that covered the meaning of complexity, chaos and nonlinear was used in many fields. Dynamic approach assumed that the order of complex and chaos system could be detected by using the computer and mathmatic equations. According to the dynamic theory, the order of a open system emerged out of the instable fluctuations and developed along with the self-organization. Recently, the attempt to apply dynamic approach took place in the field of the developmental psychology especially in cognitive development. The results of such studies indicated that cognitions emerged without any representation and develop with the self-organization. In these developmental processes, multiple time scales and factors of multilevels were compounded. The dynamic theory was expected as a frame that provides the holistic, plastic and dynamic view in human development.

Self-with-Other Representation of Korean Middle-Aged Women
Hioh-Il Choe(Woosuk University) ; Hyeja Cho(Ewha womans University) pp.129-140

This study was conducted to explore Korean middle-aged women's self-with other by using 2 mode-2 way matrix. The results showed that Korean middle-aged women tended to express their feminine-positive characteristics generally. But when they were with their children or their best friends they were more masculine-positive. The results also showed when they were with parents-in-law, father or male-female mixed group, they expressed more sex-role oriented characteristics. The results were discussed in terms of role expectation and multiplicity model of self.

Developmental disorder, developmental psychopathology & developmental intervention: The nature of clinical intervention program based on developmental view
Sang-Min Whang(Yonsei University, Department of Psychology) pp.141-156

At this study, the nature of clinical intervention program for child & adolescent clinical cases has been discussed especially in a view of developmental psychology. Child & adolescent`s psychological and adaptational problems, so-called developmental disorder have been dealt with a name of developmental psychopathology or clinical developmental psychology. It has been scrutinized that how developmental view can be applied to deal with the clinical cases for developmental disorder, and contribute to organize intervention activities for evaluating and intervening adaptational problems in developmental path Developmental psychopathology is a part of developmental psychology that has studied and explained developmental results, mechanism of mal-adaptational problems and their changes from a developmental process. Clinical developmental psychology is an extention of those activities in developmental psychopathology to do developmental intervention for clinical problems. It has noticeable differences from a medical model of child & adolescent psychopathology model that was generally accepted in clinical psychology. Clinical developmental psychology leads our attention to apply developmental view to evaluate adaptational and psychological problems and to construct a developmentally oriented intervention programs. The developmental view has been expressed itself in following concepts, such as developmental pathways, risk factors, developmental crisis, organismic resilience, plasticity and employed the impact of diverse developmental context in each developmental level.
