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A Study on Development and Application of Parent-Child Relation Improvement Program for Children with Reactive Attachment Disorder


The subjects of the study were 2 RAD. They were assessed by three different scales: SMS, CARS and Interactive behavior of peer relation. The mothers of the children were assessed by WMCI, MMPI, MAS, BDI, Social support scale. The interactions between child and parents were assessed by SSP, HOME and the Interactive Scales in intervention settings. The results of the study were as follows: 1) Children's perception in the attachment-patterns with their mothers was not changed after one-year intervention but the duration of emotional recovery was faster after the intervention than it was before and their behaviors of exploration were improved. 2) The mother who developed positive perception about her own child showed positive child-mother interaction. Meanwhile, mother who showed inconsistent changes about their perception of their own child and herself also revealed inconsistent changes about child-mother interaction. 3) However, throughout the full intervention sessions, social behaviors of the subjects were developed positively & their facial expression was also changed. The interactive behaviors in home and intervention settings were also developed in the positive way. These results suggest that there were in the positive interaction, & child, environment(especially in the mother), regulation of parent-child relationship(especially in their emotional attunement). It was found that emotional recovery of RAD was very important for their recovery of symptoms and development in many aspects.

