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A study on selection criteria of Korean middle, high school and college students in romantic relation


422 Korean middle, high school and college students were investigated to explore their preference in romantic relation with opposite sex. The study consisted of two phases. First, to find out what Korean students count most when they choose their opposite sex friends, preliminary survey was administered to 90 Korean students (45 male and female: 30 students at each schools). They were asked to list their preference in choosing opposite sex friends. Out of 900 lists, items which had most frequencies were selected to make a questionnaire. At phase two, 422 middle, high school and college students were asked to rate their preference to 30 item Liken scale. Factor analysis was executed to find out psychological structure of Korean students. Based on scree plot and eigen value, final 5 factor model was selected. The 5 factors were students' preference on personality, physical appearance, material resources, vision and features of new generation. Comparison of means showed that male students prefer physical appearances more than female students do, regardless of ages. On the other hand, female students count more personality, material resources, vision and features of new generation than male students. This study shares the same results with Buss' international study on preferences in selecting mates.

