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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The goal of the present study is to examine the effect of Modeling Cognitive Interview to improve the accuracy of children's event memory recall. Cognitive interview is a memory retrieval procedure based on laboratory principles of cognitive psychology. To improve younger children's recall, a modeling procedure added before cognitive interview, and ‘change perspective’(a retrieval technique in the cognitive interview) is excluded. After 215 of 4- and 6-year-old children had a “stranger’s visit”, modeling cognitive interview or standard interview were conducted with regard to the stranger's visit. In general, 6-year-old children generated significantly better correct information than 4-year-old group. With modeling cognitive interview, both age group produced greater accuracy with regard to correct informations (up to 85% in accuracy), and generated less incorrect information. The results imply that modeling cognitive interview improves the accuracy of younger children's recall and reduces incorrect responses. In short, the accuracy of children of 4- and 6-year-old children's event memory recall is about 76∼85%, and modeling cognitive interview enhances younger children's event memory recall. The usefulness of the modeling cognitive interview with young children, especially in forensic setting, is discussed in the end.
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