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ISSN : 1229-0718
This study was to estimate the positive effect of maternal responsive interaction on children's pivotal developmental behaviors of children with developmental disabilities. The fifty-five children and their parents were participated in this study. To collect the data, mother-child dyads were videotaped for approximately 5-10 minutes in their daily routine interaction. Videotaped observation was using to assess the mother-child interaction with Maternal Behavior Rating Scales (MBRS) and Child Behavior Rating Scales (CBRS). And children's developmental functioning were assessed by Bayley Scale of Infant Development (BSID-II) and Vindland Adaptive Behavior Scales (VABS). As a results, it was indicated that the maternal responsive interaction had significantly an influence on promoting the children's pivotal behaviors. Also the results of regression analysis indicated that children's pivotal behaviors were positively effective at promoting and enhancing children's discrete developmental outcomes. However, this study suggest that children's pivotal developmental behaviors should be recognised as an objective behavior in the therapeutic practice to promote developmental functions of children with developmental disabilities.
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