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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of cognitive intervention on the cognitive development on the part of 20-month-old infants as well as the quality of mother-infant interaction during play. Subjects were chosen, with their parents' consent, among the follow-up infants who had participated in a short-term longitudinal study, scoring relatively low in cognitive, language, and social development. The cognitive intervention program was administered twice monthly for four months. Number, form, color, imitation, and object permanence of two groups were measured before and after the application of the program and the nother-infant interaction was videotaped. The average difference of post-test scores between two groups were analyzed using pre-test scores as covariance. The difference was significant in both number and imitation in intervention group. mother-infant interaction ad an mother's contingent encouragement was higher in intervention group and was reverse in non-contingent response to their infants. In addition, the mothers in the intervention group used number-related words more frequently than those in the controlled group. The extent to which mothers care and show interests during infants' play was higher significantly among mothers of experimental group whereas it was not different significantly between the two groups in providing with the infants opportunities to challenge to task. The cognitive intervention program used in this study did not yield expected significant results. However, it was assumed to improve the infants' cognitive development and to provide insight into the development of cognitive intervention program for further studies as well.
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