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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study was to compare the development of emotional autonomy in Korean and German adolescents. A sample of 816 12-16 year olds completed a questionnaire battery concerning six aspects of emotional autonomy and two aspects of relationships with parents. A three-way ANOVA revealed significant cultural, gender and age differences. German adolescents scored higher than Korean counterparts in the subscales of emotional autonomy of parental deidealization, perception of parents as people and non-dependency on parents. But the scores in individuation and self-control were higher in the Korean adolescents. Emotional autonomy with scores in four subscales increased over the age range studied: parental deidealization, individuation, non-dependency on parents and responsibility. Sex differences were evident on two subscales: perception of parents as people and non-dependency on parents. Both Korean and German adolescents evaluated their relationships with parents as positive but Korean subjects scored higher than German counterparts in emotional pressure. Self-control was the only subscale which was positively correlated with relationships with parents.
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